Sunday 3 March 2013

Curly to return to Coronation Street?

This rumour's done the rounds before, and today it's resurfaced in the Sunday People.

Actor Kevin Kennedy, who played Curly Watts, has had "top secret" talks with new Corrrie producer Stuart Blackburn regarding rejoining the show as Curly Watts.  Well, if the talks were "top secret" they've made their way to the tabloid press.

Our friend Mr Curry Sauce tells the People: "He (Kevin Kennedy) recently had a dinner meeting with Stuart Blackburn and it was ­extremely positive.They sat down and discussed old ­storylines and all the new directions they could take the character. Stuart will now speak to the rest of the production crew and when they have their next forward planning meeting they will work out potential plots. If that all goes well they will get him back in and start filming."

Sounds good to me and I hope it's more than a tabloid rumour this time.

edited: Kevin Kennedy tweeted this just a short time ago:
"Thanks for your lovely messages , yes I had lunch with Stuart ,Coro's producer but nothing is imminent or even definite"

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  1. Curly has had his day. What would they do with him now? A man in his 50s searching for the love of his life does not have the same appeal as when he was a youngster and thats not me being ageist as I love the older characters, just no room for this one. - Micky

    1. Totally agree with room for him at all

  2. If true, this is great news as long as they can find some good storylines for him. He could lodge back with Emily and open up the possibility of some decent storylines for the older cast members.

  3. Frosty the Snowman3 March 2013 at 10:22

    NO! Curly may have been popular back in the day - about 30 years ago - but he has no links to the Street and why would he come back? He is now a middle aged man, what stories of interest could they do with him? Too old to fit in with the Tina/Tommy/Tyrone lot and too young for the Norris/Rita/Emily gang. Another one that will rapidly become pointless and not used.

  4. Kevin Kennedy is retweeting lots of good luck messages on Twitter - could be some truth in this after all! Exciting!

  5. Potential new love interest for Eileen, anyone? *ducks for cover*

  6. The only reason the wedding got 22 million viewers (if it indeed did?) was down to Raquel, not Curly. And at the age he is now, his "unlucky in love" persona would simply seem pathetic. There are far better characters that could be bought back, and no I DON'T mean Reg Holdsworth!!!

  7. As much as I like the character and the actor, I also have reservations about him being brought back. He would now be 50, so the sad-sack unlucky-in-love persona would be a bit long in the tooth. They would have to come up with some really good reason for Curly to turn up on the Street, and a complete new direction for his character. The two previous rumours about returning characters (Toyah Battersby and Sarah Platt) have both proved to be untrue...and I can think of a lot more reasons why Toyah or Sarah would return (family for starters) than I can think of for Curly Watts...if it happens, I hope it doesn't all go wrong a la the Julie Goodyear fiasco of 2002...

  8. Curly used to have a gang of mates around the same age. If he came back on his own, who would he relate to now? If he came back at all, he would have to be a mature, successful version. Perhaps as the area manager of a chain of supermarkets with a new one planned for the Street.

  9. Maybe he could become the new Alf Roberts of the 21st Century, Councillor, and maybe take the helm at the Corner Shop !! also could be some story possibilties as a single dad bring up his now 10 year old son Ben ! , maybe he could strike up a friendship with Peter Barlow??


  10. I'd love to see Curly Watts back (although without his wife please!) They should never have let him go in the first place.

  11. Maybe he could do something with the old butcher's shop?

    Listen, if they can bring back Dennis Tanner, they can bring anyone!

    As Martin has left and Kevin is offscreen, Curly could befriend the likes of Peter, Dev, Lloyd and Steve. He could fit into that group.

    Let's not be judgmental and see where this could be heading.

  12. Maybe he's buying up the old butcher's shop. He can team up with Kirkeh..might be good for a few laughs. I think they might have him in mind as the new love interest for Julie.

  13. I reckon he would come back to support Tyrone at the trial. He gave Ty his first home and supported him a lot back when Tyrone was young. He could buy Kevin's share of the garage to help Ty get back on his feet once he's vindicated. Yes, he could be a partner for Eileen eventually or Sally as they've been friends a long time too.

  14. What the heck go all out and have Eileen and Gail fight over him when he comes back as mentioned above Kirkeh's new business partner.

  15. Hope the rumours are true! Always liked curly!

  16. John - the reason it got 22m was that in those days the show regularly did. It shouldn't be about the character but the storyline.

  17. If they bring back reg holdsworth as well then i,m switching off. The only thing they could do with curly is to be running freshco but he would need a love interest and he has never been eye candy material.

  18. I can see Curly making a decent comeback. Julie Carp will be single because Brian is going to die. Mary is also lovelorn. Curly had that tragic/comic mix that is a key ingredient of Corrie. Perhaps he returns with the daughter he had with Raquel, after Raquel perishes in an unfortunate accident involving a baguette and a pair of extra-large hoop earrings.

  19. The point I was making was that Raquel was a heck of a sight more popular than Curly ever was. He was a dependable sort, but certainly not a character that boosted the ratings.

    And surely everyone realises that when that sort of viewing figure is quoted it is, in the main, because there were only three channels to watch in those days, as opposed to the hundreds we've got now.

  20. Curly was married when he left to that policewoman she shot karen McDonald's best mates brother cant remember the names but she played Tina Dingle in emmerdale and in real life curlys wife is married to Perry Fenwick Billy in eastenders so dont get all the unlucky in love comments unless he comes back single of course
