Sunday 3 March 2013

Corrie weekly awards, February 25 - March 1

Shock treatment award: I bet Sally thought she'd heard everything until Gail spilled the beans.

Sophistication award: Rob can *actually* use chopsticks. That's practically Royalty in Tracy's eyes.

Cruise Control award: Sylvia's an expert, right down to wearing loose clothing due to all the lushious food!

Grim Reaper award: Why am I not surprised Mary worked in a funeral home?

Funeral for a friend award: Mandy's gutted that Flash is dead. Lloyd finds ashes from somewhere.

Don't Tie that Yellow Ribbon award: Tyrone is martyring himself. He doesn't think he's got a tinker's chance of getting out and sacrifices Fiz instead.

Hoping against hope award: Karl is taking every inch Stella will give, hoping he can worm his way back in.

Fall from the high horse award: Gloria discovered Eric had a wife and she's getting the lot. Gloria then discovered Eric asked Eva to go away with him.

Dream come true award: A group of firemen doing a Full Monty? I'm SO there! And I enjoyed the puns. Bottoms Up! Beat around the bush!

Two faced gold digger award: Gloria. Only the thought of public humiliation turned her around.

Sucker award: Lloyd had to give Flash a funeral and then had to apologize to him as well!

Lines of the week:
Kylie to David "I'd worry if you were my son and you were going out with me"
Tracy "Rob can actually use chopsticks" Beth "I love a man that's good with his hands"
Eva to Gloria "All you've done since you've got back is sit on your fat backside" Gloria "Fat??!!!" Eva "And all you do all day is plan on where you're going to sit on it next"
Gail to Kylie "You're not scared. You're unstable"
Eva "I listen to Eric. I don't just hear white noise and use him as a cashpoint" (She's got a point)
and "I have been cheated on more times than i've had my nails done"
Mary about Eric "Brooding. Like an octegenarian Mr. Darcy"
Sally to Gail "If you keep the secret, you keep them (her family)"
Gail to David "It's because I respect you that I'm leaving" (No, it's because you're afraid he'll chuck you down the stairs again)
Katy "Sorry I'm late. Ryan had things to show me" (Did he ever!)
Gloria "I could've sorted him a quickie divorce. I mean, they do them in Tesco's now don't they...?" Karl "You're thinking of travel insurance"
Eileen "I never run, not even for a bus"
Eva about Gloria "From grieving widow to glamourous grannie in one easy step"
Gloria "May he rest in peace" Doris "At least until I get there"
Doris "He's lucky I don't stick him in a binbag and put him out for the dustmen"
Eileen to Sean "Keep my fella out of your mucky fantasies"
Eileen to Paul "I for one am very proud of you." Tracy "Bottoms up to that!"

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  1. As a funeral services professional, I find your comment about Mary offensive. She's a vicious nutbag who'd not be let near the doors of a funeral home, never mind working at one! It's an industry of people committed to integrity and compassion, not a funny farm.

  2. Dumbest business owner..Dev showing up a Chesneys trying to get an employee, who was only on the job a couple of shifts, to come there's no one else who needs a job on the street?
    I ffwd throught tonights episodes..a first. I doubt I'll watch anymore...maybe Ty's trial but then I'm gone. This show is JTS IMO...

  3. At last.... rather than moaning on forever about how crap it is, someone's finally doing the decent thing!

  4. Frosty the Snowman3 March 2013 at 07:28

    Ham acting of the week award: Sean with his face pulling and silly smutty behaviour over Paul’s’ “full Monty”. Just shows how pointless and exhausted his character is these days. Why is he even still living with Paul and Eileen anyway?

    Family comes first award: Gail was recently hoping to run off with Lewis and never see her family again, so why now all the absolute interference in her sons’ lives? Think Sally is fed up with her already as am I. Gail needs to be rested for a bit. Sick of her mardy face, self pity and the wobbling box head hairdo.

    Rent a crowd award: The normally empty and rarely mentioned Kebab shop was suddenly packed to the rafters with impatient ravenous diners on a week day lunchtime. Ridiculous and contrived to make a story for the most uninteresting and thicko couple on the Street.

    No real tears shed award: Eric seemed a personable old boy yet nobody mourned his passing, just vultures circling. Its just a shame he was written out so quickly.

    Thought you were skint award: Funny how couples one minute don’t have two pence to rub together and the next minute it’s off for a Chinese takeaway for them and their mates. Perhaps those in Corrie have money trees at the bottom of their gardens.

    Please keep them on award: Skinny pale Ryan with his top off in the kebab shop and now we are to see middle aged Paul prancing about in his underwear – STOP IT NOW!

    Don’t you know the law award: Dev with his cigarettes on display in the Corner shop – no longer legal in the UK. . Its these small niggly slapdash non attention to detail that really irritates Frosty.

  5. Good point about the cigarettes being on display> Unfortunately, they don't know the law as numerous other episodes have shown. It just indicates how far the quality of the programme has fallen. It is no longer realistic or believable. It might as well be set in 2136 on the planet Arrg

  6. Psychic Friends Network Award: Eileen didn't believe Paul's assertion that he wanted to diet and get in better shape by running etc. What is so weird about that? Why isn't that believable? She said "Come on tell me the real reason!"
    Can someone explain to me why she wouldn't believe he was dieting and exercising to better himself?
    A stupidly written discourse just to get him to admit he is doing that play and stripping. Ridiculous.

  7. I would have thought a fireman would be excuse enough to want to get in shape. I would have thought it would have been a daily routine for him anyway. It is for most of the firemen i've known or heard of. And Frosty, everyone else that found out about Paul was also making smutty remarks and pulling faces. So was I for that matter :)) Sean was no different.

  8. Tyrone already mentioned ages ago that the hospital has documented records of his injuries after Kirsty beat him. Why in blazes hasn't he mentioned them again??
