Sunday 2 December 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's hour-long Coronation Street

Coronation Street, Sunday 2nd December – 1 hour episode at 7pm

TOMMY STRUGGLES TO COPE WITH TINA’S PREGNANCY. Tina reminds Tommy she’s got a scan at the clinic but when she tells him he doesn’t have to come with her Tommy’s grateful. Rita advises Tommy to join Tina at the clinic, as she will need someone there for her during the scan. Tommy’s torn but as Gary and Izzy coo over the image on the machine, Tommy arrives to hold Tina’s hand. Tina’s pleased but it’s a strain for Tommy as everyone fusses over the scan photo. Back on the street there’s panic when Tina faints. As Gary calls for Dr Matt, Tommy tries to deflect the fuss, keen to get her to the medical centre as he’s aware of people gawping. At the surgery Matt checks Tina over, advising rest, before congratulating them on the pregnancy. Tommy’s uncomfortable with his assumption, will Tina admit she’s acting as a surrogate for Izzy and Gary? Back on the street the Windasses fuss over Tina, while Tommy pops into the Rovers to inform Stella that Tina’s indisposed. But when Norris reveals that Tina’s pregnant, Tommy’s mortified as he’s showered with good wishes. Wanting the ground to swallow him up will Tommy reveal it’s not his baby? And how will he react when David mentions that Tina had an abortion when she was with him?
KYLIE TAKES CHARGE AT THE BISTRO. David suggests to Kylie they spend the night at a hotel to get some privacy. But when Nick takes the night off and Gail double-books two Christmas parties, it’s left to Kylie to take charge at the Bistro. How will David react when she tells him their hotel liaison is off as she’s too busy? Meanwhile as the Christmas party bookings descend, Nick’s astonished to see how well Kylie’s coped and promotes her to assistant manager. Kylie’s ecstatic but when David shows no interest the couple row. David storms off as Kylie makes a shock confession to Eva.
KIRSTY’S OBLIVIOUS TO TYRONE’S PLAN. As Tyrone books the church Kirsty’s upbeat, looking forward to the wedding. Meanwhile Fiz asks Michelle for her job back at the factory. As Michelle consults Kirsty will she take the opportunity to further stick the knife into Fiz? Meanwhile Chesney berates Tyrone for publicly humiliating Fiz and getting her sacked. Keen to keep him away from Kirsty, Tyrone utters a strange apology, which leaves Chesney intrigued.
Elsewhere Dennis attends an open interview at the Council in the hope of finding a job. He’s successful but when Dennis announces he’s got a new job he’s cagey about what it entails. Stella’s startled when Mandy points out that Jason’s smitten with her.

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  1. Talk about Coyote, howl....., why not Chesney. Eileen sure isn't going to want to stand by and watch. Tracey was bad enough teaching Ryan the ropes, back to the days of Sean. American writers thanks alot.

  2. Any reason for Eileen to stand in the street or cafe, slagging somone off like a 12-year-old, and the writers will jump right at it. I can't imagine Chesney would ever stray, considering how generally unattractive he is and that he's not just punching well above his weight but Katy's given him a child!

  3. Anon #1, huh? Is Stella illegally smuggling Central Americans across the Rio Grande? If you're going to blame American writers, at least get our language right. Stella, a sharp dressing older woman who expresses interest in younger men, would be a Cougar, not a Coyote.

  4. I'm pretty sure Fiz would have a case with the tribunal for getting the sack when she had witnesses proving that she was provoked. Why would Rob sack a good machinist when he was complaining of them not getting orders out on time? And since when does the packing/shipping department share quarters with the machinists? That would never happen. The whole factory looks about as big as my living room.
