Saturday 1 December 2012

Chris Gascoyne on Peter's return to the cobbles

Peter and Carla return to Weatherfield next week for what was meant to be a flying visit. It's the return to work for Alison King and Chris Gascoyne who have recently taken a break from acting to spend some time with their family.

In the Radio Times, there's an interview with Chris about Peter's return and what's next for his character. We find out that Peter and Carla are passionately in love but at this point in time, something's not quite right.

When Peter decides he can't leave after all, mainly for Simon's sake, he's shocked when Carla starts drinking again. He also thinks that though Peter wants Leanne to be happy, he's not so sure Nick is the one for her. Plus, since he dislikes Nick so much, as he puts it: "But it does really boil down to Peter and his ego – he cannot stand to see Leanne wanting to marry Nick Tilsley, really. "

Chris won't reveal what happens over Christmas but reckons we'll all be surprised.

I'm looking forward to seeing their return!

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  1. So glad they're back - even if the storyline is terrible!

    I've loved watching Peter and Carla passionately in love! They're a very believable couple and their relationship has always been very compelling to watch.

    The writers are ruining them by involving Leanne and Nick though. I wish they'd go away.

    If you're going to have two male characters fight over a woman then she should be beautiful - not sour faced, spiteful and self-righteous like Leanne. It's not believable at all.

  2. I'm on the Peter/Leanne team. She became a sourpuss as a result of Peter wrecking their marriage. Back in the real world of Weatherfield, Leanne offers a much better future for Peter. Maybe not as exciting as life with Carla but definitely saner, and Peter has Simon to consider. Having said that, I'm quite happy for Peter and Carla to stay together as long as the dramatic leads in this story are Chris Gascoyne and Jane Danson. They are a brilliant team and have been sorely missed..

  3. I enjoy the Peter and Carla relationship, but it was never going to last. It's built on passion and not much more.
    However I don't want to see Peter and Leanne back together either, I'd love to see her coping as a single mum away from Nick who I never could stand. Why does everyone think he's such a good guy? I still remember him forcing Leanne into an abortion!

  4. I'm with the Carla/Peter team. I think they have an intense love, which potentially could be very dangerous/destructive but I love the passion too and it's very believable because there's a spark between them. It's all been very convincing so far because Alison King and Chris Gascoyne work very well together. They complement each other perfectly.

    I honestly don't believe Leanne should be with Nick or Peter now. Why can't she be single?

  5. I'm glad to see Carla's back, if only to have her put Kirstie in her place and bring Fiz back. I'm pretty sure she'd spot a bullying liar on the spot.

  6. I hope Carla puts Kirsty in her place too! She has always helped Fiz out in the past.

    After reading some the spoilers, I'm angry that Carla has to leave again, temporarily, just so Peter and Leanne can get together while she's gone. It's so tedious.

    I do love the Peter and Carla pairing but if Peter's going to try and get back with Leanne then I'd prefer Carla to move on and leave them to it. I doubt anyone wants to watch them go round and round...
