Sunday 2 December 2012

Looking back at 12 months of Corrie: September 2012

Here we go with September in our look back at this year month by month.  If you'd like a full synopsis of everything that happened this month in Corrie, you can read the Corrie weekly updates website and our blogger Tvor's State of the Street for each month. 

This blog post is purely my own highlights and lowlights for each month of the year so far. These are my own personal likes and dislikes for Corrie so do chip in with your own and remind me of anything major I've missed that happened during each month too.

So here we go with September 2012


Lloyd gets more screen time when his long-lost love Mandy and her daughter Jenna turn up. He's shocked but pleased when Jenna turns out to be his own daughter.

Golden Glo enters the Rovers into Lancashire Leisure's Pub of the Year competition. The storyline was a bit naff but full marks to Corrie for giving Gloria Price more time on screen. This fan thought she was fab.

Kirk and Beth get together and share a snog at work. Kirk tells Beth: "You smell better than a pie," and "You smell more gorgeous than the top of a dog's head!"

Wendy flamin' Crozier returned and put a spring in the step of Ken Barlow and his brogues.

Never easy to watch, but Kirsty's violence escalates. This time, she loses control with little Ruby and registers her birth certificate with 'father unknown'.


The surrogancy storyline ploughs on with Owen controlling Tina and Tommy, offering them £5k and his flat to move into.

Tracy tarts about with Ryan to get back at Michelle and Steve.  This storyline did improve, but took its time to do so.

Maria goes through breast cancer scare and confides in Marcus. What should have been oe of the year's most dramatic storylines fell completely flat for this fan. 

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  1. Frosty the Snowman2 December 2012 at 12:54

    Take your sunglasses off award: Tommah saying to Tina she ‘looked pale’ – eh? As pale as a mahogany sideboard. That deep spray tan is looking a bit out of keeping with the pale Northerners in the month of December.

    Godfather/mother award: Owen refused to give dopy Jason his tools back but the blandest Trouble Shooter in the North - Ms Price of course rode to the rescue threatening to ring Trading Standards – Tina and Eileen take note – it was that easy! Ridiculous.

    Off to the Rovers award: Whenever the factory staff are sent home, which is on quite numerous occasions, they always decamp to the Rovers. Nobody says I have things to do at home, or I will catch up on my Christmas shopping, they are depicted as a bunch of lushes with money to spend on booze all afternoon.

    Good but uncomfortable viewing award: Whether you love or hate Kirsty and Tyrone the actors have done a cracking job this week with Ty’s apprehension and fear palpable. This is a very realistic story and has been portrayed very well.

    Why are you hanging around and pushing it award: Tommah really makes Jason look like a Mastermind contestant. Why would he plonk himself in a chair in the factory and sit there badmouthing Kirsty when it’s obvious she could return and walk in at any time and of course did?

  2. Whether you like the Marcus/Maria storyline, it's created a lot of discussion amongst viewers and that's the sign of a good soap story.
