Monday 5 November 2012

Should the Rovers Return?

The announcement that Sunita will once again be departing Weatherfield has been met with a huge sigh of relief all round. Watching the complete transformation of this character from sympathetic friend to all to good time had by all was both unbelievable and practically unwatchable. So while I am pleased she is leaving, it has led me to ponder how successful returning characters ever are in Coronation Street.

Characters like Hilda Ogden and Mavis Wilton have never returned despite frequent requests. The actors behind these classic characters have always stated too much has changed since their last appearances for a return in any form to work. Are they right? In true "Through the Keyhole" style, let's look at the evidence.

Angie Freeman: Angie was always one of my favourite female characters. She was feisty, intelligent and knew her own mind. Her relationship with Curly was also both very real and incredibly touching at times. Angie was brought back three years after her original stint although it soon appeared the writers did not know what to do with her. She left less than two years later. A wasted opportunity in my opinion as the character still had plenty of mileage.

Bill Webster: This character has been in and out of the street so often I have lost count. His original stint in the mid-80s didn't last long, however Bill was to return both in 1995 (only to be axed two years later) and then again in 2006. Since his most recent return Bill has been most noticeable for his extended absences. Attempts to provide storylines included relationships with both Audrey Roberts and Molly's Aunty Pam, although neither worked in my opinion. Bill now appears to have vanished again - locked in the Corrie Cupboard perhaps?

Liz McDonald: A controversial one this! I loved Liz in the early days, battling with Jim and two unruly teenage boys. However following several departures and returns I grew to dislike her character. It felt to me that the writers were attempting to transform Liz into a next generation Bet Lynch, which was never going to work. 

Bet Lynch: Of course I must mention Bet. Her much heralded return in 2002 was embarrassingly short-lived for reasons much publicised.

I watched the episode that marked her comeback not long ago and despite there being plenty of familiar characters for Bet to interact with, it all just fell rather flat. It proved to me that the programme really had moved on since she was "Queen of the Rovers". 
Of course there are some notable exceptions. Dare we forget that some of Coronation Street's most iconic and best loved characters only came into their own after embarking on a return stint?

Barbara Knox, now a Street legend if ever there was one, only made her mark as flame-haired dolly mixture dealer Rita eight years after an initial brief cameo in 1964.

Amanda Barrie returned in 1989 as Alma Sedgewick following two short, unremarkable stints in the early 1980s.

And I must mention the much-missed Maggie Jones. Blanche Hunt only really became one of our all-time favourites in the late 1990s after her original debut in 1974. 

So the jury is out as far as this fan is concerned. Do you think bringing back familiar faces is a good idea? Who would you bring back if you had the power? And who do you wish had stayed in that Corrie Cupboard?


  1. Love that Dennis is back but I think they are only letting him out of that cupboard if he is really, really good. You see him for 30 seconds then it's weeks and weeks before you see him fleetingly again! What about some stories with him, Ken and Lewis, all around the same age, with time on their hands (though I know Nigel Havers is doing Panto)- and also include Gail's Dad in that mix - I think it would be comedy gold.

    Agree about Sunita - shame really, her personality did a complete 160 to the dark side and beyond to slutsville.

  2. I'd love Spider to return. And Spider. Spider to return please. Yes, Spider.

    And Spider.

  3. It's not going to happen because the actor has moved on but Danny Baldwin had great charisma. Bradley Walsh was excellent and the Street is the poorer without him. The character wouldn't work with a new head!

  4. Bring back Angie Freeman to run the factory. She would actually know how to do it! Loved her, and loved her relationship with Curly. The Street really needs a smart female character.

  5. Spider and Toyah back. I wouldn't say no to having Reg, Curly and Maureen back too.

  6. Karen. Karen. Karen. Oh I would love that! Guaranteed millions of viewers for that comeback episode GET ON IT CORRIE !


  7. So that'll be 75 votes for Spider, all from the one person...hmmm...


  8. I definitely agree with having Angie back, and Gail's dad as I really liked his character, and the influence he had on Gail. As for Reg - please god no!!

  9. Elsie Tanner made a triumphant return in 1976 after three years off-screen.

  10. Stating he obvious but it needs saying till they listen. Tracy Barlow should have stayed gone. It is a golden rule of soap that villains get their comeuppance. The character now is a cartoon, unable to relate to anyone on the Street in a meaningful way. Viewers will not forgive and forget what she did. I do not think anyone should be brought back. Those characters worked at that time within those stories. Instead writers should work on rounding out existing characters with plausible plots and insightful dialogue. New realities are everywhere, how about characters that reflect those changes.

  11. Cant help thinking that Phillip Lowrie may have a limited amount of episodes per year in his contract as is sometimes the case- perhaps that his the actors decision however it doesnt mean that he should do nothing when he does appear!

    I have been campaigning for Angie Freemans return for years, a truly rounded character who has lots of potential. Would love to see her come up against the current inhabitents of Underworld seeing as she actually knows a thing or two about designing where as they all seem more interested in their own pillow talk rather than running a business!

    Would love to see Suzie return but know the actress suffers from illness.

    Some characters run their course, I personally would hate to see the likes of Curly or Raquel return as their stories are up but....Can I put a plea in for Harry Flag or perhaps Gary Mallett?- Micky

  12. I'll vote for Spider's return, too.

    And Karen, though I think Corrie needs her more than she needs Corrie.

    And Mavis, for a visit.

  13. OOOh definately Mavis!!- Micky

  14. When Angie Freeman left the second time, she was a part-owner of Underworld, and it was agreed between Angie and Mike Baldwin that she would hold on to her shares. This fact has been conveniently ignored by the Powers That Be ever since. It has never mentioned that she has sold her shares in the interim, so theoretically, this could pave the way for her to return. I'm not holding my breath though!!

  15. Karen and Danny Baldwin would both be lovely back on the Street but, given the amazing talent of each of these actors, they are both too busy for a trip back. :(


  16. How could I forget Elsie Tanner's amazing return?!


  17. I agree with Njblas - although I do like Carla, I'd much rather see Angie Freeman as boss at Underworld. I wonder how those two would get on?

  18. Frosty the Snowman6 November 2012 at 07:46

    I dont agree with hoiking characters back. They may have been popular in their time but things move on. Even if actors leave for a short while, say maternity leave, they often just do not gel or fit in again when they return, Claire Peacock and Michelle Connor for example. I certainly do not want Lewis Archer or Gloria back after they have done their stints in panto, it will be far too unbelevable. We need to concentrate on new and fresh characters not bringing back old tired ones who have simply had their day.


  19. I agree with you about characters taking breaks and then not fitting in again, but I wouldn't want characters never to return. There are some I'd love to see again. It might give Kevin a new lease of life if they re-introduced his sister for instance...

  20. For me the return of Dennis Tanner has been a complete flop.

    Back in the day he was a 'likely lad' up to all sorts of crazy tricks. Now he just does - nothing, just nothing.

    He had a sharp, hard, cutting wit to him "when 'e were a lad". But he's just blander than bland now. That's it - Mr Bland. Hired for his name and not for his charcter.

    Doesn't get up to any mad cap schemes like Karl's faulty smoke detectors, he just does ... nothing.


  21. I agree with you - we haven't even seen much interaction between Dennis and Rita since they got married.

  22. Phil Collinson did say there were stories coming up for Rita and Dennis as a couple, but that was a while ago, and there's been no sign of anything. Shame, it's such a waste. Philip Lowrie must be longing for something to get his teeth into. All he seems to get is a throwaway line in the Rovers every ten episodes or so:(
