Monday 5 November 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update, November 5 2012

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update.
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Over at Weatherfield Hospital, Jenna is fast becoming the new Martin Platt. Every time there’s a hospital scene, Jenna’s there. Every time anyone needs a medic, Jenna’s there.  Every time there’s Sophie Webster in her hospital bed, unable to walk, needing a physio to get her back on her feet, Jenna’s there. But fear not, for all is well because Sophie can wiggle her toes. Oh! She will walk again, everyone! She will!

Glorious Gloria glides off and leaves Weatherfield this week. She’s been coming on to Lewis, with Gail’s full knowledge, telling him she’s dying and has money to burn for a trip overseas for the two of them. She’s trying to lure Lewis into her honey trap in order for Gail to prove to Audrey whether Lewis is trustworthy or not. Well, he proves he is when he turns down Gloria’s come-on of sun, sea and senior moments, but when he gets drift of what Gail and Gloria have been up to, and worse still, that Audrey knows, he turns swarthy and dark and seeks revenge on Glorious Glo.  

And so off Gloria goes in the back of a cab and under a cloud. She’s outed as a fraud when the Rovers wins pub of the year in the Lancashire Leisure competition, and it’s Lewis who’s pulling the strings and the rug from under her feet. Lewis makes sure that everyone finds out Gloria’s been writing comment cards using other people’s names to win the competition, and they’re not best pleased.  And so she goes. Glorious Glo has gone, we can only hope that one day she will return.  And as for the pub of the year award, the new landlady of the Weatherfield Arms, a bottle blonde called Carole, swans off with it, declaring: “My pipes are as clean as a whistle.”

And so attention turns to Lewis, who turns true panto baddie as he swishes across the cobbles twirling his moustache and swearing revenge on Gail for ruining his life.  Personally, I thought Lewis was a bit up his own backside this week. He ruined Audrey’s life once, he swindled her out of her life savings and was caught on CCTV snogging Deirdre by the double tote. For him now to get on his high horse about the honey trap was a bit rich. Audrey’s better off without him, just you wait and see.

Well, there’s more shenanigans going on when Ken falls asleep on the soft furnishings at Wendy flamin’ Crozier’s house after a bit too much wine. Instead of waking him to send him home, Wendy leaves him sleeping, knowing full well the trouble she’ll cause when Ken doesn’t return to Deirdre until the next day. And trouble it does cause, of course.  

 Deirdre’s up in arms, blaming Ken for sub-duvet activity in the Wendy house even though Ken denies all and tells Deirdre the truth, that he turned Wendy down and told her he was happily wed. As Deirdre struggles to find out the truth, Wendy reports Ken to Brian in his role as Chair of the Bessie Street School Committee and lies that Ken came on to her in a sexually harassing kind of a way. Oh, she wishes. But he didn’t. Ken knows that, Wendy knows that and then Deirdre knows it too after Wendy makes Ken a visit at home. First she tries flirting, then apologising and all’s well that end’s well. Ken is back with Deirdre and Deirdre is back with Ken. They kiss and make up as Ken whispers those little words that Deirdre loves to hear: “Cup of tea before bed?” 

And finally, as if I wasn’t hating the surrogacy story enough already, it’s the next nine months of interminable Tommy/Tina/Trouble that we’ve got to look forward to that’s had me flicking through the telly guide wondering what’s on t’other side.  Tommy doesn’t want Tina to go through with baby-making for Gary and Izzy. Gary and Izzy do. Tina wants to do it to pay off Tommy’s debts.  If and when this changes, I’ll let you know.

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week's writers were Peter Whalley, Debbie Oates, Carmel Morgan and Simon Crowther. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young

Blogging away merrily at


  1. Gloria is definitely a rover that shouldn't return...

  2. I don't think the surrogacy thing will go long. I'm figuring Izzy will get pregnant. And I'm figuring the first implantation with Tina won't work. We can't possibly do NINE months of this story! Please NO!

    ~JB in Canada

  3. Frosty the Snowman6 November 2012 at 07:39

    How can Tina possibly know she is pregnant so soon, only a week after the egg transplant which by the way is quite a major operation. Tina was up and about and suggesting drinks in the Rovers just like she had just had a dental check up. If they insist of doing this dreadful story, at least try and make it realistic.

  4. Hey! If Tina misscarries does she still collect the rest of the cash from Owen?

  5. Is that the end of Wendy 'flaming' Crozier then? I kind of hoped she would turn out to be a bitter psychopath and torment Ken a little longer.
