Wednesday 4 July 2012

Alison King talks about her four month Corrie break

Alison King, who plays Carla Connor in Coronation Street, has told What's On TV that she's ready for her four month break from Corrie to spend more time with her family this summer.
The actress has had a dramatic year playing factory boss Carla Connor, and her character is set to leave the country for a few months with boyfriend Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne).

"It's three years since I had a baby (daughter Daisy Mae) and I've been working for all of that time so I haven't been able to spend too much time with my family," Alison said.

"I plan to have a nice holiday and spend time at home getting jobs done on the house, all very normal stuff. But I love playing Carla and I'll be back at work on October 1."

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  1. Hmmm. She can take a much longer break from Corrie if she likes. The longer the better.

  2. Agreed. I won't miss Carla one bit.

  3. Bye Carla! Don't let the door hit yer ass on the way out!

    ~JB in Canada

  4. I know I won't miss her, or Peter. Hope they stay away.

  5. Daisy Mae...seriously? Thought she was only in the funny papers along.with Little Abner. But with that said...I like a Carla...but she men like.dirty socks. I miss the Baldwin's..the entire family was bonkers. Carla with Peter...seems her taste in and men has sorta down shifted..not a high rollar like Mr Gordon. I hope they spice her character up when she returns.

  6. I think Carla is a beauty and some people of obviously jealous of her looks. She is a good actress and has made her mark on the street. I look forward to her return as well as Peter :)

  7. Will miss Peter and Carla, won't watch much corri while there out. Hope you come back soooooon.

    Corri is only worth watching for them, they make a good item.

  8. It's been terribly dull without Carla. Can't wait for her return to the Street!
    Wish they'd get rid of sour faced Leanne.
