Monday 2 April 2012

Sue Johnston is cast as Stella Price's mother

We heard the rumour, could it be true? Yes, it can! Phil Collinson announced on This Morning just minutes ago that popular actress Sue Johnston will be playing Stella's mother, Gloria! We at Coronation Street Blog towers couldn't be more chuffed!

Gloria arrives at the Rovers in the early summer. She's been running a bar in Spain and says she only plans a short visit but her stay looks to be extending. Stella wonders what's up as Gloria sets her sights on both Dennis and Lewis. You can read more about that on the ITV official site. 

ITV also tweeted a few comments that Mr. Collinson made on the air with a few spoilers and teasers for upcoming storylines. Check out the image below for some interesting spoilers including the reveal about Betty's secret!

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  1. Oh yay....I do like Sue she finally managed to give Boyd the slip!!

  2. I cannot wait for Sue Johnston to start. Corrie needs a good balance of comedy and drama. Thats why we love it and this looks like there will be plenty of laughs.

    I'm wondering about Betty's inheritance??? It has never been mentioned that Annie Walker owned the building as it was only ever implied that it was leased from the brewery. If it now fact that she owned the building, presumably she engaged the brewery as her management company and then applied to lease it from them??? Betty could have owned it from 1984 when Annie Left to 1995. Although its never been mentioned when Annie Walker died. But in 1995 the brewery owned the building and offered the building and lease to Bet Gilroy for 67,000 pound (famously asking Rita for a loan)

  3. Methinks Annie's bequeath is another history rewrite...

  4. MAYBE... Annie wrote the will in the late '70s when she was still running the pub, insisting that the brewery take Betty on as the next landlady when she died?

  5. Carla and Peter are like Burton and Taylor?? In what world??
    Rebecca in TO

  6. I wish there were just one corrie wedding that went according to plan!

    Rebecca in TO - Collinson is making the Burton/Taylor comparison because they were alcoholics weren't they? Or at least Richard Burton was, and always falling off the wagon after all the personal tragedies that went on. Elizabeth Taylor was also a big drinker. And their relationship was very passionate. And not smooth sailing. But that's about where the resemblance ends.

  7. Well, Liz did like stealing other women's hubbies and so does Carla.

    ~JB in Canada :-)

  8. Frosty the Snowman3 April 2012 at 07:37

    Hm although I really rate Sue Johnson I am not happy that yet another well known face is coming into Corrie. Its turning into Phil Collinson's luvvie brigage. Sue has neve been short of work so give some unknown a chance. where was Stella's loving ma when she had to give up her child as she had no help either??
