Monday 2 April 2012

Happy Birthday to Bazza

It's our blogger Barry (aka) Sunny Jim's birthday today. Not only is he the blogger who brings you the prop of the week, the fab photo Friday and he also wrote the 50 years of Corrie in 50 days posts, he's also a fab bloke. And it's his birthday today, and so, in honour of him turning 21 again, here's his two favourite Corrie ladies, just for a birthday treat.  His other passion in life away from Coronation Street, is music and he blogs about that here.

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  1. All the best, I'll raise a ... well it's too early for a pint, but will a strong cuppa be an adequate birthday toast? *chink*

  2. Happy birthday Sunny Jim from a fellow blogger! Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful contributions that makes this blog the best ever! :D

  3. A very Happy Birthday, Sunny Jim, and a big thank you for all the enjoyment I've had for your contributions to the blog.

  4. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Sunny Jim. May you have another fantastic 21 years. Cheers! Have to say your 50 Years Of Corrie posts were most enjoyable.

  5. Happy birthday Sunny Jim! :) From New Zealand
