Monday 2 April 2012

Sophie's Choices

Poor Sophie. She's been drifting for a long time now. Stress after the tram crash and her parent's split over Kevin and Molly blew up her world and she ended up quitting college, jumping off a church roof, and then her jealousy and doubts caused Sian to leave her at the altar. Sophie used to be such a bright little spark and she seems to be at loose ends these days.

I had a bit of a think and over here, I blog about what could be in Sophie's future. What do you think should be the direction of this character who once had a bright future?

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  1. The best thing would be for Sophie to go to university away from home, perhaps studying to be a social worker. The actress isn't that brilliant so she wouldn't be sorely missed. Her departure would remove the immediacy of the emotional ties between Sally and Kevin, and they could decide whether their future is together or apart.

  2. Perhaps Sophie could go for speech therapy then we would understand what she is saying. Sounds as if they are having her head in the druggie direction but I agree with the Big Egg - send her to University far, far, very far away........

  3. She could go get a personality transplant, learn how to smile, take elocution lessons, learn to enunciate. Sooooo many things are out there for ya, Sophie! Go for it. Go for them all!

    ~JB in Canada

  4. Frosty the Snowman3 April 2012 at 07:35

    Sophie could go off on some kind of Gap year helping one legged lesbians in Timbucktoo, then come back with another head - recast as another actress that we can actually understand!

    How many times has she been given back the job in the corner shop only to jack it in again - skived off again yesterday.

  5. Get rid of her once and for all! She is a pointless character.

  6. I would like to know if anyone out there knows where sophie got her oversized off the shoulder cream crochet jumper phew any ideas please let me know thanks in advance

  7. Ok so I read some earlier comments and they are not good so I'd like to set some thigs straight. First of all Sophie is not a pointless character she is a very interesting one like first off she is a very religious Christian that turns out to be GAY and now she is supposed to be a drug addict i don't know about any of you but that sounds very interesting. Secondly Brooke Vincent is a brilliant actress like did you not see all the scenes with Sian they were amazing. And it isn't her fault about the wedding in my opinion its just as much Sians fault as it is hers but mostly its Kevins and Ambers fault. So anyway Ryans gonna come back and he's a drug addict and e gives Sophie some crack and now she's a drug addict.
