Saturday 23 January 2021

Corrie Comicals week ending 22 January 2021

Are two of the Street villains heading for a fall or will one deal with the other?  Ray has been missing since Friday, locked in the back of the White Van of the Men in Black who it turns out are Mick  Chaney (He whom Todd unwisely ripped off before returning to the Street - what an amazing co-incidence!) and Co.  He is deposited back on the cobbles and advised in as menacing a tone as Mick can manage that failure to deliver the funds owed within 24 hours may lead to Ray facing a much longer descent needing a parachute, although being thrown from Barton Bridge (over the Ship Canal I doubt it would have time to deploy!) is more likely.  Can Ray's downfall be long delayed?

David wants to take the old push mower even though there is no grass to mow on the Paul Robeson estate.  And he "mows" Gail's slippers as they continue to argue.  Luckily everyone makes up on Wednesday with a copious supply of soft boiled eggs and butter covered soldiers for dipping.  Important point for soldiers - the strips must be cut thin enough to dip in the yolks or they are not up to the job!

Adam has been denying that he ever accused Gary Windass of anything - he might have hinted at a motive but not delivery of the blow.  He then tells DS Willets that extracting a statement from a nitpicking solicitor must be a nightmare to which Keith Willets responds that he is sure his wife will need God's help in a discussion over the TV remote (above).  Adam becomes an American lawyer as he wants to take the Fifth (Amendment) on that.

Debbie accuses Ray of playing "Whack-a-mole" - Ray responds "Underage girl I tried to rape?" Whack.  Debbie adds "A corrupt official who's bleeding me dry?"  Whack.  Ray responds "A business partner who's boring me to tears?"  Whack.  

Ellen Taylor - you are very naughty - or is there a competition for the cheekiest line each week?  Roy has just told Sean that there is still an ongoing cream horn shortage - allowing Sean to make the observation above.

And whilst I do not have room for Evelyn this week apologising to Elaine over her rescue dog (whom I hope we can find space for soon - well Evelyn, Elaine and their dogs) I could not go without Emma and her dizzy barmaid act talking to Michael Edison over the names of her children.  Eclair for a girl - apparently a posh version of Claire; Michael suggests that a boy will be called Doughnut but no it will be Lemmy after the lead singer of Motorhead her father's second favourite band - Iron Maiden his favourite group have had too many lead singers!

Blink and you would have missed it on Monday - Underworld staffing seemed to be Sean asking for some time off and in the background a be-masked Dirk!

Monday got the week off to a great start - relatively new writer in Emily Gascoyne and Leon Lopez certainly got us off to a great start.  And it continued all week - empty rooms as the Platts move; cardboard and plastic boxes as other pack to leave, Yasmeen's near breakdown had the benefit of getting Elaine a job on the Street; the Platt meltdown; house deals almost falling through and Abi filming Ray and Blondie from planning.  Good week.  Loved it.

Written By: Emily Gascoyne & Cameron McAllister (Monday); Alasdair Morrison (Wednesday); Ellen Taylor (Friday)
Directed By: Leon Lopez (Monday & Wednesday); Brett Fallis (Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. When the Platts move let us hope they do not take that filthy, disgusting pink sofa with them!!
