Monday 29 June 2020

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 29th June

Hello and welcome to the second part of Friday's episode. If you missed that, or want a reminder, may I recommend my blogeague Ms Kelstar's recap?

We're straight back in with the Oliver (a.k.a the let's give Jane Danson a meaty story to chew on because she emotes so beautifully) storyline. Leanne and Steve are given the news that Oliver definitely has Mitochondrial disease and it is life-limiting. So I guess this can't be forgotten like Johnny's MS and Nick's brain damage. Leanne demands a second opinion and storms off in trad. Leanne style. She tells the specialist that Oliver is getting better and he was alert and active at the petting zoo, before storming off once more. Oh Leanne, hun, denial isn't a river in Egypt. She shouts at Steve, Toyah, Nick and Simon, before Nick tells her they all want the same thing and they need to stick together.

The news affects the rest of tonight's storylines: Despite Toyah's horrible blouse, the social worker tells the Battersby-Habeebs that they are excellent candidates for fostering and it will go to panel in July. Craig offers to move out so that the mystery third room in the flat can belong to the foster child. It may seem a bit out of the blue, this, but Imran did tell off Toyah back when she got arrested as part of Weatherfield's Extinction Rebellion group, saying that it would "ruin all their plans". Anyway, after hearing the news from the hospital, Toyah realises that they'll have to put the fostering on hold.

In the "comedy" storyline, Alina Pop! helps Emma get her hand out of the vase. Oh just get together, ladies, have the first lesbian wedding and tell Seb to stick his man bun. Alina comforts Emma about the Oliver news and then tells Seb she can't go for a drink with him. Yay!

In non-Oliver news, Fiz realises the she and Ty are the new Jack and Vera as he sits on the sofa in his vest and she nags him about tidying up. Don't complain, Fiz, the Duckworths were in the soap for thirty years and remain much-loved to this day. Anyway, the upshot is that Alan Halsall does his Jack impression, which is lovely.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Fiz and Tyrone could never be Vera and Jack despite the good impression. Not that we need new versions, but the nearest to an old-style Corrie couple would be Johnny and Jenny. Big personalities (especially Jenny) with great chemistry and in the right location. Shame the writers don't give them more comedy.

  2. I had to mute the tv when Leanne was having her rant, it made me feel no sympathy for her whatsoever.

  3. The panel: 'So Ms Battersby, you share a small flat with numerous different lodgers, you're an avid protester and have been arrested on at least one occassion, oh, and just a couple years ago you swapped a baby and tried to pass it off as your own?'

    Toyah: 'Um...yeah.'

    The panel: 'Wonderful stuff. You're through to the next round!'

    I'm all for Toyah getting some screen time (at long last), but couldn't Corrie have put some effort in and tried to make this credible? It's come out of nowhere and fostering is an incredibly difficult process, there's loads of hoops to jump through. Clearly it's just a plot device for Oliver's S/L.

  4. I totally agree, too

  5. I also agree with the comment that Toyah's fostering storyline is a plot device for Oliver's storyline.
    I also think that the fostering storyline is nothing more than a ploy to make Toyah sympathetic after she 'kidnapped' Aidan's daughter and was willing to watch a grieving Johnny see little Susie grow up on the same Street where he lives unaware she's his granddaughter.
    In fact if Eva hadn't developed a conscience due to her grief after Aidan's suicide and wanted her daughter back,Toyah would still be raising Aidan's daughter as her own and poor Johnny would have been none the wiser.

  6. Seb and Alina are very nothing characters. I tune out when they are on, anyone else feel the same?
