Thursday 6 February 2020

Geoff, Yasmeen and the truth about Tim's mum

There's a rumour in the tabloids today that suggest it might be time for Geoff's reign of terror over Yasmeen to come to an end. I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief at that.

The Suns says that Alya will start digging into Geoff's past and will uncover the truth about the horrible man. I wonder if this means she'll unearth the truth about Tim's mum?

I tell you something, Geoff almost had me fooled last night when he broke down in tears and apologised for locking Yasmeen in the box. He blamed it all on his ex-wife who abused him. Did Yasmeen believe him? I'm not sure, but one thing we can look forward to is Geoff's eventual comeuppance.  For in the world of soap no villain goes unpunished.

Have a look at some of the ways you think Geoff will get found out.

And read Shelley King's interview about Yasmeen and Geoff here.


Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. That's not strictly true. Tracy Barlow got away with murdering Charlie Stubbs. She only spent a few years in prison before the writers decided to release her on a technicality.

  2. Charlie Stubbs was no better than Geoff, so as far as I am concerned Tracy paid her debt.
    As for you almost believing Geoff, I did not believe him for a minute. As a matter of fact I would not have stopped him when he started hitting himself. lol

  3. Correction on last comment, Charlie pulled Sunita from a burning building, what good did Geoff ever do? lol

  4. I hope it's a concerted effort between Alya and Yasmeen. Alya might be the one to expose his awfulness, but it's Yasmeen that has to extricate herself from the situation, both physically but emotionally as well. I'm sure right now she's convinced she loves him.

  5. Just get rid of him already....I'll come do it myself! Evil little cretin. I understand the social police at the studio want to bring attention to spousal abuse or wife abuse in particular. But dragging it out so long (as Corrie always does, no matter the issue) only detracts from the seriousness of real situations.

    Get on with it!!

  6. I find the Geoff/Yasmeen story line very upsetting so I've been walking away from the telly when it's focused on them. We get it writers, you've made your point, in fact, over made your point. Get rid already!
