Monday 15 January 2018

Rovers Return - from Weatherfield to the Dead Sea

There are many pubs and restaurants called the Rovers Return, not only in the UK but overseas too. But we've just discovered that there are three Rovers Return restaurants in the most unexpected of places - Amman, the Dead Sea and Aqaba.

The Rovers Return restaurants are a chain based on the famous Coronation Street pub and of course the menu offers Betty's Hot Pot too.

You can follow them on Facebook.  And their website is here.

Mind you ... will their Hot Pot be as good as the one Gemma and Michael cooked up from the Coronation Street recipe book? Find out here!

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1 comment:

  1. I’ve been there, and I can tell you it’s not just a coincidence of names. I have a friend in Amman and often, when texting, he would mention he was ‘going down the Rovers later’, so when I went over to visit I insisted on a night out there. You enter through a long corridor from the car-park, passing beneath framed photos of Bet Lynch, Elsie Tanner, Fred Elliott, Deidre & Hilda. Inside, it’s just like a British pub, with beer mats and pictures of dogs playing pool, festooned with Manchester United scarves. I had to keep reminding myself I was in the heart of the Middle East, barely 30 miles from the Dead Sea. Apparently it’s owned by an Arab guy who lived in Manchester for years. Talk about a home from home! I loved it!
