Monday 15 January 2018

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 15th January

Eileen's suspicious of Pat, but he in turn is suspicious of her, wondering why she's avoiding him. I guess when you're Phelan, you'd be quite right to be dubious of everyone and anyone. Overhearing Fay(e), Tim and Gary talking about Seb's disappearance, Eileen motors off to the prison to talk to Anna, who, having made friends with Top Dog Karen, now has a mobile. Anna tries to talk Eileen round, telling her that if she has the tiniest of suspicions, she should act on it. Eileen then visits Alya who tells her that she and Yasmeen are taking out a private prosecution against the Parkers, which puts Eileen's mind at rest. Meanwhile, Anna, with her unlimited credit, rings Faye and tells her that "with a little bit of luck, things could go back to normal". Oh, Anna. Ei makes a guilt-meal for Phelan and when Anna phones again, tells her to do one. Eileen, Eileen, Eileen, Eileen, I'm begging of you, please dob in your man.

Sinead has a go at Chesney, pointing out that he messed her around when they first got together. She has a point. Given that Chesney's idea of a honeymoon is a caravan in Wales, I think she had a lucky escape. Also in a mope mood is Craig, who takes it out on poor old Maria, who is now landlady to most of Weatherfield in her one bed flat. Craig's OCD is returning as he obsessively checks the time and turns off all the switches in the flat. Beth tries to warn Bethany not to put any additional stresses on Craig and Ms Platt Jnr claims that she would never hurt him. Well, we'll see about that. Bethany's doing her own interfering in relationships, telling her mum that she blocked Gary's number on Sarah's phone, meaning that Ms Platt Snr didn't receive any of his texts. Meanwhile, in the worst lap-dancing club in the world ("Tassels"), Craig and his boss, Jess, turn up to an altercation involving Bethany's pal, Sam. At first, Bethany hides in the back but then reveals herself and has a big row with Craig, who assumes someone is forcing her to become a lap-dancer. Bethany says she enjoys the work, it's her choice, that she's in control, and she has the power. Craig tells her to quit her job and Bethany decides to quit Craig instead.

Did Leanne pack in her job at the Bistro? As I remember, she was on maternity leave, but she now seems to be putting in part time hours at the pub. Anyway, Si's been selling stolen voddy, claiming that he had to get money. What for? Is he planning an escape to Hotton? Toyah asks if the missing bottle at Xmas was also down to Simon and Peter is forced to admit that it was him. I think Toyah is secretly pleased - she gets the chance to do an impromptu counselling session in the back room.

Nausea, burping, moodiness, weird taste in mouth, tiredness? Ask Dr Google. Well, that's what Shona does for Eva, who discovers that.....she's pregnant! Again! Only for realsies this time. I did wonder if this was going to be the storyline when she and Aidan bumped uglies on the night before the wedding, but it's been quite a while since then. It would seem more likely that Adam is the baby daddy but perhaps this is Eva and Aidan's joint exit storyline?

And finally, Sean's not convinced that a job in the abattoir is for him. I'm sure the feeling's mutual. Instead, Aidan offers him work knocking up some samples for a new client, items that Ruby and Hope show a keen interest in.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Once again somebody is up the duff and who's the baby daddy go-round begins. You'd think a character as promiscuous as Eva might be on some sort of birth control.

  2. Craig's boss introduced him to the club managers as a 'special constable'. That's a voluntary position which, generally speaking, only offers expenses. What does Craig do for money? Is he a student and, if so, what's he studying? They would have done better to make Craig a PCSO, a paid position in the police force. Minimum age for both PCSOs and Special Constables is 18 years. Re: Eva's pregnancy, I read that Eva will decide she doesn't want to keep the baby while Toyah & Peter's surrogate plans fall apart. Sounds like another Tina and Gary & Izzy storyline. A potentially interesting exit story for Eva who inevitably will come back at some point to say she's changed her mind.

  3. That's it Eileen, you keep burying your head in the sand and just think of yourself. You selfish person!

  4. That Hope is a bit of a cheeky madam for one so young.
