Friday 12 January 2018

Corrie’s "New" Theme Tune

I’m hooked on Celebrity Big Brother this year, as friend of the Blog Amanda Barrie (Corrie’s Alma) is locked away with a group of celebrities, and it’s been a pretty good series. Amanda’s doing great although we aren’t seeing enough of her so far. Fingers crossed she makes it far into the series, and maybe even win!

Last night whilst watching the closing titles of Big Brother, I wondered what the opening of Coronation Street would be like played to different music. I had a little play and here’s the result. I’ve added the Big Brother music and a few others from my favourite TV shows to Corries opening titles and credits.

Could you name each piece of music? Let me know which was your favourite and what other pieces of music you’d like to hear played over the Corrie titles. Obviously it would be a travesty if they changed Corrie's iconic theme too much and it has changed over the years, but it's fun to play around!

If you're on Twitter, come and show Amanda your support using the hashtags #CBB and #TeamAmanda 


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  1. Now that the awful India has been booted out, maybe we will get the chance to see the others more. Amanda is fabulous!

  2. The Star Trek one actually works kinda well here!
