Saturday 13 January 2018

Another Corrie Wedding Bites the Dust

The little family that is not meant to be
Tonight was the rather rushed wedding of Chesney and Sinead. I say "rushed" because it was Chesney that pushed for a quick wedding and it's one he lived to regret.

The Bride and her ex-lover exchanged regretful glances when she was on the way to the registry office and Chesney, after already jumping when Joseph referred to Sinead as his new mum, saw it and thought the worst. Chesney is the person most in need of a self esteem boost, more than anyone I've ever seen. It's his Achilles heel. He comes by it honestly, having been brow beaten by that mother of his all his young life. He decided that Sinead would leave him eventually and it would be too much upheaval for little Joseph who had already lost his mother.

Chesney is a good father, you have to give him that.It's true, the little lad was getting close to Sinead but that was the problem. If he got too attached, he'd be devastated if things went wrong. Sinead was appalled that Chesney had so little faith in her and she's right. Plus, Chesney still doesn't quite believe Sinead is over Daniel, I think.

Anyway, the wedding day had some good moments, appalling fashion and  development of a few side stories which I won't go into here. I liked Sinead's wedding dress, it was very much "her". I loved all the different things Kirk wanted to say in his speech, starting with knowing Chesney longer than he's known himself! Loved Sinead's mother and nan wearing outfits that wouldn't have looked out of place on the nearest "stroll". Only Gemma could get away with wearing GANG earrings to a wedding!

I didn't much like Carla advising Daniel to break up the happy couple or to swoop in and take advantage of the carnage afterwards. I don't think the mature and evolved Carla would have done that. If Sinead had really still had feelings for Daniel, she'd have come to him so he's right to back off. I didn't like that it turns out Henry is dating Gemma for a bet though I wasn't surprised either and I look forward to her tearing him a new one when she finds out and making him look like a right idiot.

For a look at the wedding parts of tonight's double episode, see State of the Street, with lots of screen captures and fashion! (Oh those fascinators!)

Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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  1. Sinead's wedding dress was awful! She and her family were wearing comedy outfits, meant to show how cheap the entire family is. Chesney did the right thing, dumping the gormless Sinead before she could do any more damage, which she most certainly would. Everyone knows he and Gemma should be together, much more suited. I hope the appalling Daniel ends up lumbered with Sinead. But he won't want her now she's free, so Carla can get in there (another ridiculous pairing).

    And as for Carla, what a total bitch! Trouble making homewrecker extraordinaire!

    And a quick mention of Craig - (very) average child actors do not always make good adult actors.

    1. Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I was always told if you haven't got anything nice at all to say, don't say anything . Surely there must be some small bit of positivity in there somewhere? So much negativity. If Corrie is that bad, then switch off, surely? Come on DC, give your head a wobble, Corrie isn't that bad

  2. Now then, don't sugar coat it DC! You're right though, about Chesney dumping her. I do quite like Daniel, but not when he's doing anything regarding Sinead. That was a completely unconvincing pairing and I really hope they don't get back together.

  3. I can only think the whole Chesney/Sinead wedding fiasco was to show Daniel in a good light. He apparently has some morals and didn't gate-crash the ceremony or pounce on Sinead afterwards as Carla advised. Daniel made the point that he wasn't like Peter, and Carla replied nor was he like most men. That's the start of a new romance. As for Chesney and Sinead, Sinead is weird enough to develop given better storylines. Chesney is beyond saving and could easily be written out, maybe moving to Portugal with his son to live with Katie's family.

  4. Carla's broken up a few homes in her day so she certainly knows whereof she speaks but having had her own marriage to Peter broken by Peter and Tina, you'd think she'd be a bit more sensitive. She really is her own worst enemy.

  5. Agree with Humpty re Chesney. He is such a miserable self pitying character. I quite like Sinead, she has got enough quirkiness to keep me interested ( though I wish the writers would make more of her creative talents). The scenes between Sinead and Ches and Tyrone and Ches only showed that the actor who plays Ches is not good enough.

  6. Jeanie (anon):

    The actress playing Sinead was surprisingly good in the wedding scenes--reminds me of her potential when she first came on the street. The sweetness and idealism that made her stick with PTSD Chesney and his son, only to be slapped in the face (metaphorically) for her kindness. Agree 100% with the comments about Chesney. The guy who plays him really can NOT act. All he can manage is a look of perpetual misery and sadness. Which worked okay for him as the cute, long-suffering child of Cilla--that's all he had to do, along with remembering his lines--but now as an adult actor more is expected of him.

    Carla giving Daniel advice just underlines how mis-matched they are as a couple. Yes, she is well-preserved, has amazing cheekbones, and looks incredibly glamorous but it still looked like son and mother there. Can't see why either would be interested in the other.

  7. Like someone else suggested perhaps it is time for Chesney to go. Not to be unkind but the actor who portrays him, isn't very good.

  8. I think if anyone should be written out,it should be Sinead not Chesney.Aside from storylines in the factory,her only major storyline was the clichéd affair\pregnancy with Daniel.
    I was relieved that it was Chesney who was the one who dumped Sinead at the altar after seeing her [again]look longingly at Daniel on their wedding day,the marriage would not have lasted due to Sinead cheating with Daniel.
    I hope in the aftermath,Chesney is not portrayed as the villain nor should Sinead expect to stay in his home as she wanted to do the last time she cheated on him with Daniel.

  9. Chesney had such a poor upbringing that I wouldn’t expect better from him. A normal guy would have talked to a buddy (Kirk, Gemma, Ty, even Roy) before making such a drastic move. That stammering panic was unconvincingand stupid. It’s like they’re trying to ruin his character, you know, the way they do before they give them the boot.

    I agree with you on most of the rest: liked the dress, didn’t like Carla’s advice but did like that Daniel didn’t take it. Henry gaming Gemma was just done, why repeat it?

  10. @Anon 18:24 - In any TV series or movie, the acting of some cast members surpasses that of others. This is why some become stars, and others spend their careers in minor roles. Corrie has some fabulous actors, to be sure - those playing Gail, Leeane, Roy, Audrey, Rita, Bethany - I could go on. I think it is absolutely fair game to mention those whose skills are lacking. I have been watching Chesney since his first appearance on the Street, and actually feel that he did a better job as a child. I also believe that his skills just aren't up to the task. The only way I can see him being rehabilitated would be if Gemma took him on - and then it would be Dolly Rose's acting skills carrying him along in her coat-tails. It is time for him to go.

  11. I was actually talking about Craig though not Chesney. The actor who plays Craig cannot act for toffee.

  12. Oh and Anon 18:24, I have been faithfully watching Coronation Street since it first started. I believe it is at the lowest ebb it has ever been and I feel no qualms in saying so. And no, I will not switch off, it's got to improve sometime, it certainly can't get much worse.

  13. I was wondering if Chesney was going to mention his brother and he did. That would be interesting if they brought him back.. wait he'd probably get with Sinead and there would be another uber-boring storyline about a love triangle.... never mind.

  14. I don't think Chesney ' s brother has ever been in Corrie, though he has been mentioned occasionally by Fizz and Cilia, which makes me think he will suddenly appear one of these days.

  15. I think he did turn up once, for Les and Cilla's wedding. I think he's in the army and his name's Billy.
