Thursday 11 January 2018

Coronation Street episode review, Weds 10 Jan, 8.30pm

Phelan has scared the living daylights out of fans, in the previous episode, standing over Seb, and intimidating him. Will this young lad be the next victim? Phelan has him framed as Luke's killer, which is why he gave him the gun to hold.  Poor Seb is frozen to the spot, and in walks Eileen. Phelan distracts her again! How many times can he do this? 

Joseph hears his auntie Beth talking about Luke's murder and runs upstairs, upset. Chesney mentions Katie and you realise this character never got a proper send off. Meanwhile, where are Billy's hospital vistors? Barely anyone has turned up to see him. 

Luke's vigil takes place, as friends prepare to say goodbye. Alya is broken, and Phelan has the gall to turn up. Zeedan says "Rest in peace, bro", as Phelan fakes his grief. 

Maria advises Craig on relationships. Don't listen Craig! Two of her former partners are dead and some of the others were affairs, run for the hills, Craig! 

Tracy Barlow shows a softer side and it is heartwarming to see. On the flip side, Phelan believes his own hype and refers to the racist thugs as "wicked." 

Meanwhile Gemma and Henry strive to get over the 'L' word being used. Gemma truly does love him, but does he love her? What's his secret? 

Seb sits with Phelan in the Rovers, and others arrive to grieve and gossip. Phelan watches like a hawk, when Seb says he is going to the toilet. The lad promptly legs it outta there. 

Aud lights a candle, remember when she fancied our Luke? Tyrone and Kevin give out free drinks. Seb tells Eileen it was Pat and off he goes, bags packed. Will Eileen believe him? I bloody hope so! When Seb tried to explain, Eileen starts to doubt him, but as he runs off and says: "Watch your back", she starts to question herself. 

Craig has no idea what Bethany's secret is, but those of us who have read spoilers do know. But, in case you don't - I am not going to type it here. 

Phelan and Eileen have a conversation about Seb's disappearance. Eileen has finally realised why we have all been shouting at the TV for an age. Get out Eileen! Instead though, she has a cuppa. But her mind is working overtime and she is plotting something. 

Ches has taken Joseph to scatter his mum's ashes, with the hope it will calm the poor boy down. Gemma comes over and says she will be attending the wedding. I hope that Sinead was not making soapy party favours. 

Rana backtracks and tells Sophie to go for it with Kate. Tracy still looks upset but once she sees Daniel, she cannot resist winding him up re the wedding. 

Anna has a vistor request. Eileen has finally woken up and smellled the mellow birds. At long last! 

I know some are upset that Corrie feels a bit grim lately. But, this episode had momentum and fine performances and Phelan's time is clearly running out. What's not to like? 

See ya next week, when we may not be mentioning Phelan any more. Stay tuned! 

Glenn Meads
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  1. Does anybody really care about this Phelan debacle any more? Is it so bad that it has become funny?

  2. I just want Phelan gone and permanently - kill him off so there's no chance he can come back.

    And Craig! How insensitive is that moron! Stupid boy.

  3. I love watching Connor at work as Phelan. Amazing actor.

  4. C in Canada:
    Phelan’s time is up. This has been drawn out way too long, trying to milk all they can out of a good actor.

  5. I don't think this is over yet, Seb is likely to "disappear" permanently and join Andy and Vinny at the mill.

    Also, why Phelan bothered to frame him baffles me and doesn't make much sense. All he needed to do is hide the gun at the racist brothers house and given how inept the police are on this show, that would've been it.

    I still think it's going to end with Anna and Phelan dying at the same time, with the former saving Gary from being murdered.

    1. Hide the gun in the house of someone whose name you don’t even know, let alone their address? Piece of cake. He was trying to put Seb in the frame to gain leverage over him, as he’s been suspicious of him for some time now.

  6. Jeanie (anon):

    I think the final showdown with Phelan will focus on Nicola and Eileen (the only two people he supposedly cares about). The producers are priding themselves on showing his inner conflict so he will be placed in a situation where he has to kill them to protect himself. But he will hesitate because of Nicola. Then, he will die saving Nicola--which is why the actor has said that some people will not be happy with his end.

    My prediction is that Eileen will discover too much; he will be taking her off to kill her; Nicola will discover them, so he has to kill her too; he will hesitate; some other catastrophe will ensue (eg. a fire), perhaps caused by Anna and/or Gary; Phelan will die saving Nicola and her unborn baby; Nicola will survive but lose the baby. Producers will want to suggest that Phelan still has some small amount of good left in him (they've been heavily pounding that debate since the beginning), and that is why the actor has said some people won't be happy with his end.

    Yep--I've been spending too much time thinking about this!

  7. I have truly enjoyed watching CM’s Phelan. He is a truly complex character and the acting is so good it usually leaves me feeling creeped out. In spite of all that, it’s time to say goodbye. If Phelan gets stretched too far it will go from suspension of belief to farce. He needs a good complex comeuppance, one as well written and interesting as his dirty deeds. And then I’ll look forward to seeing Connor McIntyre somewhere else, like starring as an old school detective in his own dark mystery series. Or sumthin’

    Come on, Eileen!

  8. Now Phelan's Catholicism has been highlighted, I wonder if that's going to be significant in future episodes - confession perhaps?

    1. Is being Catholic uncommon in that part of England? The way Sally reacted was weird.

    2. Not especially unusual no, and certainly not in Liverpool where he's from, which makes me think it's going to be significant.

    3. I think it’s just because most people are not particularly religious generally these days, and Sally probably wouldn’t have had a man like Phelan down as such, so it probably surprised her to see him cross himself. But I think Louby may be on to something, with his Catholicism being ‘bonged’ (as we used to say in the Theatre) like that.
