Thursday 11 January 2018

Coronation Street Episode Review; Weds 10th Jan 2018 7.30pm

Welcome to your Wednesday double from the Corrie blog. A chance to grab a synopsis of the mid-week action, or catch up before Friday nights episodes.

With the furore from Luke's murder still reverberating around Coronation Street, just how much further will Phelan's evil reign reach?.

A sombre mood has settled amongst the residents and a vigil for Luke is being arranged. With Alya, Kev, Tracy, and Tyrone feeling strain and upset, it's left to Chez to keep spirits upbeat as the wedding to Sinead is just one day away. After discovering that Fiz and Cilla cant make it, he asks BFF Gemma to step into the breach and bring posh Henry as her plus one. But what's with Henry's reluctance?. A mismatch relationship it maybe, but so are Bethany and Craig?. As Gemma drops the 'L bomb', Craig spies something a little bit saucy round at Gail's. Is Bethany planning a night in for PC Tinker?. I'd prefer Gemma and Craig as a couple if I'm honest!

Over at the Bistro, preparations for the vigil are fully in motion. Zeedan, having no luck from the bank, accepts Roberts proposal for his old job back. Rana however, looks unimpressed when Sophie shares her feelings on that stolen drunken kiss she had with Kate. A side step in the drama I feel, as Phelan's reign of terror continues.

With news reaching The Rovers that prime murder suspects 'the Parker Brothers' have been released, Seb is slowly suspecting that Phelan is hiding something.

Amalgamating the witnessing of burning evidence, knowing Phelan's whereabouts, and a literal 'smoking gun' Seb makes a quick retreat from Eileen and the pub. Leaving his 'hot pot for one' Seb heads to Number 13 and heads to the cupboard to try and find the gun.

Stepping out the shadows, Phelan is waiting in the wings. He knows Seb has circumstantial evidence to have him arrested but Phelan's fingerprints aren't on the gun, Seb's are. Has Phelan framed Seb like he framed Anna?.

Phelan's poised and utterly calm approach is all the more menacing when faced with Seb's reluctance to fear murderous Pat!.

Will Seb be the next victim or will retribution ruin evil Phelan's reign?.

Follow my pal @Glenn_Writes as he reviews tonight's 8.30pm episode and finds out what happens next!

That's me done for another week, I'm off for some Facetime with Fiz to cheer me up!!


I am @rybazoxo

Your Cobbles Connoisseur!

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  1. Great ending to the episode, can't wait to see Eileen confront Anna, now the penny has started to drop.

  2. Regarding Phelan's downfall, his lies will unravel at Anna's trial. No apologies for keeping on about Rosie watching Netflix in the solicitors' office when Phelan turned up to plant Anna's earring. At the trial, Anna will claim that she was framed. Suddenly, the penny drops for Rosie who is sitting in the public gallery. Tim must have talked about Anna's claim but, for dramatic purposes, Rosie hadn't made the connection. She comes forward with this 'new evidence' which would make Anna's conviction unsafe. I don't think Phelan would kill Anna out of vengeance after her release as he would be go straight to jail. Perhaps Anna and Phelan exit in a ball of fire.

    1. I think you're right Humpty.Why else would Rosie have been just idling at the solicitor's office except to be able to contribute this information at the trial?

  3. Brilliant, Humpty!

  4. Surely Phelan using the gun while wearing gloves would have wiped off Seb's fingerprints or smeared them and it would be evident that someone handled the gun after Seb.
