Sunday 24 December 2017

Coronation Street Friday 22nd December episode review

Hiya! It’s just Jordan with my thoughts on this Friday’s Corrie before the festivities begin. I’m feeling festively flippant about Friday’s eps and I know this review is going to be a little slapdash, but I want Santa! So anyway… here we go!

After being battered round the head with a wrench the other day, Eileen is feeling much better. However, that doesn’t stop her from being at the hospital, but this time she is visiting Billy after Peter left him for dead that other day after confessing to him that he caused the crash that killed his sister Susan over a decade ago. *takes a deep breath*. Poor Peter is still reeling from the news that the local vicar caused the death of his sister before and just happened to move onto the Street she once lived on and became embroiled with her family. He’s in a dodgy mood and because remember that Peter’s assigned issue is alcoholism, he almost hits the bottle. Fortunately, there is an AA meeting being held in some convenient location, so he goes along to that. Following the filler, he goes to the church where Billy is sitting in on a rehearsal for the Christmas choir. Peter insists that Billy leaves with him so he can hurt him. Surely to God, no one is this bloody melodramatic in real life? You just get over things. Back at number 1, Peter shows Billy all the photos of Susan that arrived just in time for this storyline, opens a bottle, but not for himself. He then goes on to blame the death of the sister he never mentions for his alcoholism. He dramatically throws a perfectly good bottle of booze against the wall and opens another, trying to make Billy drink it. Then, in order to send Billy’s world crashing down, Peter reveals that he has been in contact with Summer’s grandmother and has given her information that will cause him to lose custody of her. Yet another example of a character changing for the sake of a storyline. No matter how distraught Peter was that Billy had accidentally killed his forgotten sister, Peter knows all about losing a child after all the debacles he had Simon. He wouldn’t have the heart to cause someone to lose their child. So, that pantomime witch grandmother of Summer’s rings and says she is coming to collect her. It’s Todd to the rescue though as he pulls up and they dramatically speed off into the night. But that’s not all. Peter even goes to the bother of tying Billy up and dumping him in the back of his cab, leaving him in the middle of nowhere. Stop this nonsense.

It was the Christmas return we were all looking forward to! Yes that’s right, the Cheekbone Queen Carla Connor made her ever-fabulously dramatic return to the cobbles on Friday. Sort of. She turned up in a pub that wasn’t even the Rovers. Aidan is still struggling with the factory and forever has that stroppy Alya hanging round his neck.  An Underworld Christmas party sparks rumour that he factory will be up and running by 2018, going into partnership with Matthew Singh. That’s not going to happen though, and Aidan calls upon the woman who was his long-lost sister until about two years ago. When Carla refuses to come back to that “poxy little knicker factory”, Aidan is forced to burst the bubble at the party and tell the knicker stitchers that they will not be stitching knickers in the new year.

Elsewhere, it has become apparent that the Street really has a thing for silly costume storylines recently. I think this was the third or fourth in a month. In a bizarre attempt to be funny, Brian accidentally gives Cathy magic mushrooms, so she is unable to be Mrs Claus at yet another Christmas event organised by Yasmeen. Seriously, does that woman do anything else? She only seems to faff about with books or organise daft stuff for children. Anyway, due to her indisposition of Cathy, Brian must step in and be Santa. Things go awry when Asha Alahan turns up and carries out her usual brattish behaviour. Brian puts a Christmas curse on her, declaring her permanently present-less and she goes crying to Dev.  This causes a bit of uninteresting friction later on in the pub. Even later on, some friction was had between Tracy and Steve when the old flames had a few flirty drinks in the pub and hastily went home. Okay then. 

Hmmm. Things are just not adding up anymore. However, I did love seeing Carla Connor (who our own Flaming Nora fabulously described as "the Elsie Tanner for the Twitter generation") back on our screens. However, I do hope her return was builds up to something more worthy. But as it is Christmas Eve, I am going to end on a positive note.

Merry Christmas to all my fellow bloggers and our wonderful readers! Have a fabulous time.

Jordan xxx

PS – if you fancy a giggle, read my Corrie-themed ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’ parody here!

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