Tuesday 7 November 2017

Coronation Street Spoiler: Has Norris found his long-lost son?

The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and there’s a comedy storyline brewing that I like the sound of.

It all begins with Colin discovers that Norris once visited Darlington in 1961. Colin puts two and two together and leaps to the conclusion that Norris might be his dad, having noticed the behavioural similarities between them.

Oh, I can’t wait to see Norris’ face when this one plays out!

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  1. No no no.
    Please get rid of Colin. Dreadful and not funny in the slightest, imo.

  2. They need to stop the contrivances whereby X turns out to be Y's son/daughter. Yes, it creates an instant family connection for a new character, but it is getting repetitious, leading to a sense of 'oh, they're doing it again', rather than an investment in the characters and relationships as intended.

  3. Hang on, I visited Darlington in 1961 also. Perhaps I am his father?

  4. First,Jude,then Nicola and now Colin is the latest 'long lost child'?!
    New writers are needed as this is getting ridiculous!


  5. Judas Priest...I wish they would check the water in the writer's room. I think they all may be drunk. At least that could be the excuse for these ridiculous storylines of late, and not what's to come in the New year!
