Tuesday 7 November 2017

Coronation Street Spoiler: Factory girls in catfight

The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and the factory girls aren’t best pleased with Fiz.

Beth finds out Fiz and Tyrone kept quiet about the money they received through the crowdfunding website and spent it on a van for the garage.

Beth and the factory girls are livid, accusing Fiz of scamming them. Fiz is furious and a row escalates leading to a catfight. When Fiz and Tyrone return from the shops, laden down with goodies, Beth threatens to report them for fraud.

Also next week, Beth and Kirk move in with Maria.

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1 comment:

  1. Beth,who used Hope's illness for the crowd funding page,Tyrone and Fiz,both who have become their mothers should all be arrested for fraud!
    Obiviously Fiz didn't learn her lesson the last time she was in jail for fraud pretending to be Colin Fishwicke's wife to inherit his mother's estate.
