Monday 16 October 2017

Liz back in the Rovers - Yay or Nay?

It's a rhetorical question, well, for this fan anyway and I'm going to say right now it's a big fat YAY from me.

The Rovers without Liz running it is like Betty's Hot without the Pot, like Newton without the Ridley. 

I love the way that she's wormed her way back behind the bar even though Toyah and Peter don't really want, or need her there, but they're both too scared to sack her. This reminds me of something Betty Turpin once did, or could I be misremembering things?  Anyway, I love it that she's back from behind the counter at the medical centre to behind the bar of the pub.

So what do you say, Corrie fans. Should Liz take over the Rovers again, and who knows, with Tom Ridley's help she just might.

Liz back in the Rovers - Yay or Nay?

See also: Is Liz the best Rovers landlady since Bet?

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  1. I said ages ago that Toyah and Peter couldn't manage the pub so why not employ Liz as manageress to run the place for them?

  2. I won't believe any interview that says Peter and Toyah were never meant to run the Rovers long term. I'm getting so cynical; I'm sure the intention was to have a really charismatic couple running the pub and Liz would find a job/man elsewhere. Ha! Of course, Liz should be back behind the bar as the boss. Not that bothered about Steve.

  3. Yes, yes, YES! And I would love to see Steve and Leanne back there too.
    I love this photo of Liz, which is an obvious take-off of Renoir's "Bar at the Folies Bergere". Also reminds me of his painting, "La Loge".

  4. It's a yay for me as I didn't want her to lose it in the first place. Peter should stick to his cab driving and Toyah to whatever busy work she does as neither of them are suited to running a pub.

  5. Yay, yay and thrice yay. It's a no brainer

  6. I don't buy Peter and Toyah for a second..the chemistry just isn't there. Sorry,,just IMO

  7. Of course, she's a natural there. But I just HATE the way the character of Toyah has been belittled and made to look stupid at every turn since Liz started back behind the bar. It's demeaning and unnecessary. And, as is usual with Corrie these days, it's over-written and exaggerated to the point of being ludicrous. We already get the point, Toyah is not suited to being landlady. How about a bit of subtlety for once, instead of hammering the message home again and again?

  8. I think Erica should have bought a half share of the pub and she and Liz could have run it together.

  9. I hope Toyah goes back to being a Counsellor. It’s what she’s trained to do, Lord knows she won’t be short of work and it is a far better forum for showing off her florals.

  10. Absolutely YAY from me! She should never have been ousted. Peter in particular should not be running a pub.

  11. Jeanie (anon):

    As Rupunzel says, no shortage of work on the street for Toyah if she goes back to being a counsellor! With all the dysfunction, a counselling clinic would be the most prosperous and busiest business on the street. Summer, Simon, Amy, the twins--all have suffered severe trauma and loss. Then there's David, Shona, Bethany, Todd, Billy, Phelan, Seb, just to name a few, who could benefit from some therapy sessions!

  12. Sorry to have to correct you Popcorn but the painting is by Manet.
