Monday 16 October 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 16th October

Todd's in the dog-house, I mean, Eileen's house, after his arrest. Summer is upset; it's Drew's birthday, Todd and Billy aren't speaking, and Amy doesn't help by telling Summer she's lucky to have a dead dad - she can get away with anything. She does bond a bit with Simon over their respective losses, but later he dares her to smoke a spice joint that he found in the school changing rooms. Sobbing in the ginnel, she lights it up, quickly collapsing. After some pressure from Toyah, Simon 'fesses up and Peter in turn confesses to Billy, who's understandably upset as at this point, it's possible that Summer might not wake up. So when Peter tells him not to blame Simon but to look closer to home, Billy punches Peter in the chops. Summer wakes up, unharmed, and Billy lies to Todd about the grazes on his knuckles.

Sinead's going for a job interview at Freshco's, but presumably doesn't get it as she asks Tracy for a job in Preston's Petals. Trace turns her down, quite rightly, who would want to hear Sinead going on about her soap all day? But a passing Daniel snipes back at Tracy and whilst Chesney, concerned about money but still unwell, goes back to work, Sinead and Daniel sup cappuccinos in the Bistro. However, she's called away from her cosy afternoon a deux as Billy rings her because Chesney has collapsed in the kebab shop, and later, she tells Kate to tell Daniel to stay away from her.

Toyah is concerned about Newton and Ridley withdrawing their beer from the Rovers. I'd suggest getting a few cans in, but the regulars wouldn't hold for that. Tom Ridley is a bit of a perv Casanova, apparently, and so Liz is dispatched to unleash her....charms on him, but she makes sure that she gets out of kitchen, cellar, and toilet duties in return. This is later revealed to be a scam as a) Tom is gay and b) there was nothing wrong with the pint Toyah pulled. Liz is usually a sympathetic character, but this deliberate undermining of the new licence holders, when they didn't even want to re-employ her, stinks of sour beer grapes somewhat. But anyway, Toyah and Peter have other things on their minds, as Jackie the surrogate rings to say that she's in the family way.

Jude and Angie are looking for a house in Weatherfield, but Angie doesn't seem that keen on it, as she feels Mary is too full on and over-zealous.

Phelan outlines his plan for replacing Andy with Harvey/Vinnie, which involves Andy living in the house with villainous Vinnie. This could be odd couple comedy gold!

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. The on screen chemistry between Todd and Billy is just marvellous. The storyline is a bit over the top though.

    First you got Summer taking the drug, fine. Then you have Billy attacking Peter and THEN lying to Todd!

    Give them some happines, Kate. Please.

  2. I was a bit shocked at the ferocity with which Billy repeatedly thumped Peter. I knew they had a "fight" but wasn't expecting that. What's happened to Billy? In the last week he's stolen money, and now beaten Peter up, then lied to Todd. Please bring back the old Billy I know and love before it's too late

  3. This idea of replacing Andy with another prisoner is just ridiculous. Phelan has Andy locked up to stop him from telling the police about Phelan's evil deeds, not because he just likes having someone locked in the cellar! Plus, if he does free Andy, what's to stop Andy going to the police? Unless Phelan plans to use the gun on both Andy and Vinnie. ..

  4. Very odd about another locked up person. So Phelan will "rent" the house to Andy who suddenly comes back from where ever he says and Eileen is not going to freak out. She has dreams of moving into the house and Phelan has encouraged them. This is really not well thought out on so many levels.

    1. Really hope this doesn't work. Phelan can't honestly think he'll get away with it

  5. jeanie:

    I don't understand the replacement plan either. Even if Andy helps kidnap Vinny, surely once Andy is free he will be able to go to the police and say he was forced to do it. Or he could just vanish; it's not like Phelan can report him to the cops either. Only thing that would be bad enough would be if Andy killed someone, because that can't bee undone. So none of this makes any sense!

  6. Loved the scenes with Liz. There were a couple of laugh out loud moments. Clenched/clinched ... Ha

  7. I am sick to the back teeth of Phelan and his stupid plans. What a loser!

  8. Instead of looking for a job,Sinead is in the Bistro with her ex Daniel while Chesney who's still recovering is work supporting them both?!
    If Sinead cares for Chesney,she should tell Daniel herself it's over and not use Kate as a go between.
    As for Peter,he was right telling Billy that Summer's problems are closer to home. Billy has not spent more than five minutes with Summer since she arrived despite telling her grandmother it's what Drew wanted.No wonder Summer went astray and now I understand why her grandmother was strict with her.
