Tuesday 15 August 2017

Well, here’s to another wild and crazy birthday

I was looking through some old things in the loft recently when I came across the best birthday card I have ever been given. Not the image of Betty above but this beauty below:

It was given to me exactly ten years ago to this day when I turned 25. Back then, I was young and hungry. Now I’m just hungry.  

It was an official Coronation Street greeting card copyrighted by Granada in 2006 and produced by Hallmark. My brother got it for me and the picture and message on the front is just brilliant. Nowadays, I’d take a quiet drink in the Rovers with Norris over a wild and crazy night out anytime!

Right… it’s QUIZ TIME. At what Weatherfield event were Nozzer, Blanche and Emily pictured at on the front of this card? 

The prize for the first correct answer in the comments section below (should you wish to claim it) is a Newton and Ridley Best Bitter beer mat, as pictured:


By Martin Leay, on Twitter @mpleay

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  1. Was it Les and Cilla's wedding reception?

  2. Correct! It's the Status Quo drum kit in the background. If you'd like to claim the promised prize, follow me on Twitter @mpleay and we can DM so that I can get a postal address (or I can give you my email address). GREAT SPOT! :-)
