Tuesday 15 August 2017

Queens of the Street in The Radio Times

In The Radio Times this week, which is in the shops today, there's a fantastic photoshoot and interviews with some of the Coronation Street women, including producer Kate Oates.

Kate Oates reveals that Alison King is returning as Carla Connor (you can read that here) and there are also interviews with Kym Marsh, Lucy Fallon, Catherine Tyldlesley, Sally Dynveor, Tina O'Brien and Jane Danson.

Here are the photoshoot pictures from the magazine, which I'm going out to buy today and I'll blog the best bits from the interviews during the course of the week.

What great photos they are!

You can also download one of the Coronation Street images from Radio Times as a high-resolution poster.  Download it here.

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  1. *sigh* why does it have to be KM front and centre every time? Her publicist is worth the money they're getting, that's for sure. I'm very pleased to see Sally Dynevor on the cover, but disappointed Liz isn't included in the photo shoot. She's certainly a queen of the Street! The photos are nice, though and I'm looking forward to Carla's return.

  2. Agree with Tvor,100%! What is the fascination with KM? Also disappointed that Liz is missing. I guess TPTB are promoting the big upcoming storylines...

  3. yes I suppose so. They do all look amazing.

  4. This is awesome although I'd have liked to have seen more of the older generation in the shoot - Liz, Audrey, Anna, Rita! Would love to see them glammed up and looking fierce.
