Saturday 12 August 2017

Steve and Tracy Back Together - Yay or Nay?

There was a worrying moment at the end of last night's Coronation Street when Mary told Tracy to stop ignoring her jealous feelings towards Steve and Leanne. Mary pointed out that Tracy still had feelings for Steve, deep feelings stemming from their special relationship.  And she said that Tracy was still in love with Steve, too.

Now, that's as may be. And certainly we've seen a new, calmer, nicer Tracy since Deirdre died in 2015.  She's not as shouty and as bitchy as she used to be and hasn't as much as killed anyone either in a while.

I was just warming to Steve and Leanne together and had high comic hopes for them as the new Jack and Vera. But it looks, for now, as if that relationship is off.

But Steve and Tracy back together? Oh, please no. No, no, no. I don't think I need to say any more. It's a great big fat NAY from me.

What say you - Nay or Yay?

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  1. It's a definite nay from me. I still harbour hopes for Steve and Leanne, in the future, where they gravitate towards each other naturally and in a less contrived storyline

  2. Nay! I was so disappointed when Steve & Leanne broke up!

  3. No no no! I was also loving Leanne and Steve together. Maybe the writers didn't realise how much chemistry Jane Danson and Simon Greigson had when they decided to make that engagement a short run thing. They should now make it happen for real.

    As for Tracey, she is a favourite of mine but I only see her happy with Rob. I want there to have been an autopsy report that the prosecution failed to disclose that showed Tina did not die from the bashing but from a latent heart condition. Rob is therefore guilty only of grievous bodily harm. And he's now eligible for parole.

  4. No - I liked Leanne and Steve together

  5. It's surely (and hopefully) the start of a long story arc. Kate Ford said how tired it was getting forever battling with a nemesis and/or Steve's latest. If the writers do go this way, then I give up. Viewers remember more than they do: Rob 'really got her'; Robert likewise, and she barely gave Steve a thought. I hope the way it goes is that through Tracy meddling, Steve and Leanne realise there is a tiny spark there after all. As for Tracy, she's better than she was but they need to move her from this juvenile meddling in other people's lives. Most important of all, Steve and Leanne work.

  6. Heck no, let's see the writers making Steve and Leanne work. Please...

  7. Agree with all the above. Steve and Leanne really works for me, and they don't need to be married, just "together". Hope the scriptwriters read this blog...

  8. I really like Steve and Leanne together too, they are so well matched. Steve and Tracy? No, that ship sailed long ago (although I don't think it was ever floating, was it?)

  9. NAY! Steve and Leanne work so well together, and as coconno says, they do NOT need to actually get married.

  10. Reuniting Steve with Tracy would be as bad as reuniting him with Michelle!Neither lady really loved him and having Steve and Tracy back together smacks of desperation on the writers' part as they don't know what to do with Tracy.
    I like to see Steve and Leanne given another chance instead.

  11. Another NO!!! Tracy can become as nice as a breeze on a hot summer day and she still doesn't won't work Steve. Too much negative history, starting with her taking Amy away when she returned from prison. I hope Steve and Leannne develop a strong friendship that leads to more. They have some spark but are not ready for much more right now.

  12. Nay!!! Please NO! Let's have Steve and Leanne. Lots of comedic opportunity with these two and their 3 children that they will need to raise.

  13. jeanie (anon):
    I get the sense the story with Leanne and Steve is still going forward--the writers have been suggesting that Leanne is starting to realize what a funny and good-natured guy Steve is. So what started out as an awkward relationship of convenience is slowly morphing into something authentic and caring. The only thing I'm not looking forward too is the triangle they seem to be setting up with Tracy.

    leanne and Steve really work well together--it's nice to see Leanne with someone completely different from the intense, humorless guys she's usually with (Nick, Kal, Peter, Danny). And Leanne is alot less high maintenance and more capable than alot of Steve's past wives. So they could make a great team.

  14. no don't like tracy

  15. Come on! Are they out of their minds? Tracy is way too conniving and nasty for Steve.He doesn't deserve that. Michelle screaming at him and emasculating him was bad enough.Leanne was the perfect choice.
    Again, it's like they are purposely trying to ruin this show with horrible writing and ridiculous storylines. I'm getting pretty fed up now. I find I check my emails and Facebook while watching as it just doesn't hold my interest anymore.
    What with Toyah and the Rovers landlady, Michelle still crying all over the street, Liz in the most unsuitable jobs ever, Robert and his nefarious side coming from nowhere, unfinished dropped storylines, a plethora of unwanted pregnancies and a slew of new characters that add nothing...this show is looking doomed.

  16. Well said Zagg. I so enjoyed Steve and Leanne, a breath of fresh air in the doom and gloom that has been Corrie of for so long.

  17. Nooooooooooo! No Tracy and Steve, please!

  18. Its a nay from me they were together before nd they got to there wedding day and didn't even get married. So it ain't going to work again
    Its a big fay nay from me

  19. Nay. I like Steve and I like Tracy but not together. Steve and Leanne are at a point in their storyline when they need to settle down. Tracy needs someone like Rob who knows what's going on with her.

  20. I don't want to cause conflict but how can all these comments being saying nay? I mean, they had Amy together and that was the only reason Steve and Leanne got engaged really, despite the camaraderie between them. Steve and Tracy have got a lot of history and I love seeing these two on-screen together. This storyline could have a lot of potential.

  21. Nope, Steve will have Leanne to be his wife & the newest member of the McDonald family clan, thanks to Liz.

  22. ...since his marriage to Michelle ended in divorce, in the Spring of this year.
