Saturday 12 August 2017

Corrie Weekly Update - Diamante M and The Smudges App

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Adam and Todd’s new solicitor practice opens for business and there’s wine and nibbles as they set to impress. They need a PA and Rosie puts herself forward but they tell her she’s not qualified and she forgets to mention that she’s worked as a PA before, for Carla at Underworld. Never mind, she gets the job anyway after she photographs the husband of one of Adam and Todd’s clients who’s having an affair. The pictures provide proof that their client needs to go through with her divorce and it’s a result all round. Rosie gets a job, Todd and Adam get their PA and their client gets her divorce.

After being bundled into the back of her car last week, Michelle’s at the cop shop in a right old state. She’s been drugged, they tell her, and it soon becomes clear that the perpetrator isn’t Rich after all, it’s her ex-fella, Will.  I like Michelle and I think Kym Marsh is a cracking actress but every time they put her with Robert, it just brings her down and blands her out.

Steve and Leanne get it together this week and get it on too. Steve even proposes: “You’re not bad looking when you’ve got your slap on!” and Leanne accepts a ring. But it doesn’t last long and she returns the ring in the back room of the Rovers. I do hope this isn’t the last we see of these two, I thought they had potential together. However, Mary tells Tracy not to be so jealous of Steve and Leanne, because she and Steve share a special bond. She even suggests that Tracy is still in love with Steve and there’s a nasty gleam in Tracy’s eye when Mary’s words sink in. Oh ‘eck.

Eva continues her mad as a box of frogs plan to continue with the fake pregnancy, even going so far as to pass off Leanne’s baby scan of Oliver as her own.

Gary has a fall this week and injures himself at work on a building site. He’s in hospital but worse is to come when he reveals to his boss that he wasn’t insured as a self-employed worker.  Gary’s in deep debt and feels he has no choice but to take up his old army mate Joe’s offer of a job in the Ukraine. He lies to Sarah and tells her he’s off work to in Hamburg.

And finally this week, poor Chesney suffers a panic attack in the kebab shop and has to run out for some air.

Crikey, it’s been a bit short and sweet this week, hasn’t it?

Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week’s writers were Owen Lloyd-Fox and Ellen Taylor (Monday double); Ellen Taylor (Wednesday); Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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1 comment:

  1. Some characters are best in supporting roles, which can give them a lot of screen time but they are not the focus of the story eg: Kirk, Norris and ... Michelle. You could say it's the way she's played, and that's a whole other post, but imo Michelle is terrific when she's supporting a more complex character. Thinking of Carla, mainly, where Michelle excelled as the archetype 'heroine's best friend'. Other than that, she's a boring character who can occasionally be lifted by others. Put Michelle and Robert together, two unsatisfactory characters, and it doesn't take off at all. Steve should have lifted her but he couldn't, just like Peter can't lift Toyah. To be fair, when given a *lot* of attention by writers and directors as with the baby story, Michelle is great. As you might have gathered, Michelle is not a favourite of mine.
