Tuesday 6 June 2017

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 12 - 16

Without any piffle, here are the storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 12 June to Friday 16 June 2017

Eva proposes to Aidan, Adam films Aidan and Maria snogging in the ginnel, Johnny’s diagnosed with MS, Summer arrives, Seb’s key worker approaches Phelan about an apprentice, Daniel unconscious after buying drugs in Bistro.

See the full week's preview with pictures at Corrie.net

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  1. Where's Emily?6 June 2017 at 20:49

    Liam Neeson could guest star~He'd get Bethany back, and give Neil and Nathan a good hiding at the same time!

    1. LOL that would be awesome. Thanks for the chuckle :)

  2. Gail has not learned her lesson about keeping secrets from David[Tina's abortion,Nick and Kylie's drunek one night atand]and how he reacts while expecting him to forgive her.
    Again,I don't blame David for being angry with his mother for not telling him sooner that Shona is the mother of Kylie's murderer.
    As for Shona,I hope she stays gone and not welcomed back into the Grimshaws now that they know who she is.

  3. I thought Michelle and Leanne were at each other's throats. Now they're teaming up to help plan Eva's engagement thing?
