Friday 3 February 2017

Preview of tonight's double Coronation Street - Fri 3 Feb

Friday 3rd February
WILL THE TRUTH DAWN ON LEANNE? In a bid to try and sort out her sister’s love life Leanne secretly replies to a text from ‘Fred’ on Toyah’s phone inviting him round to the flat. Leanne opens the door and is bemused to find Peter there. Will Leanne put two and two together? After another coded conversation with Tim about Peter texting his girlfriend ‘Wilma’, Leanne is horrified to discover Peter is Toyah’s mystery boyfriend. Secretly planning to propose to Leanne, Nick asks her to meet him at the bistro to discuss the staff rota.
JENNY INTENDS TO KEEP ABREAST OF THE INDUSTRY When Jenny shows Alya and Kate some prototype mastectomy bras she’s made, Alya warns her she should run the idea by Johnny first. But will Jenny listen to Alya’s advice? Impressed with Jenny’s efforts, Sally suggests she’ll bring in some fellow cancer patients for their opinion on the new bras.
KEVIN NEEDS A LITTLE HELP FROM HIS FRIENDS David is unnerved when Anna asks him to call in the cafĂ© after work as she needs a chat. But Anna is shocked when she learns something from Tim. Tim lets slip that Sally’s given Kevin £7k and only wishes she could do more, Anna’s incredulous as it’s the first she’s heard of it.
ELSEWHERE After another night on the sofa, Chesney puts on a brave face despite he and Sinead going through a rocky patch. Hoping to impress Sinead, Chesney calls in the salon and instructs David to give him a cool haircut.

Friday 3rd February
LEANNE FEELS COMPLETELY BETRAYED Eva finds Nick waiting alone in the bistro for Leanne. When Nick reveals his proposal plans, Eva’s thrilled. But with the secret out about Toyah and Peter, has Leanne done a disappearing act? As Peter tries to convince Toyah of his innocence she admits how much she loves him. Peter pulls her into his embrace but they’re suddenly interrupted by Leanne. Their secret out, how will Leanne react? And can Peter and Toyah move forward now her desire for a baby is out in the open? Leanne rails at Toyah and Peter, disgusted that her own sister is dating her ex. Peter assures Toyah he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and he’s happy to try for a baby. Leanne disowns both sisters for their deceit, while Nick is forced to put a halt to his proposal.
KEVIN IS ATTACKED FROM ALL ANGLES Tyrone lays the law down to Kevin and tells him that in order to turn the business around they need to reduce the workforce and sack Sophie. Kevin’s stunned. Anna confronts Kevin and tells him she can’t believe he was prepared to let her sue David Platt and relive the worst day of her life when he’d secretly accepted a hand out from Sally.
ALYA FAILS TO HALT JENNY’S RISE Whilst Jenny shows off her mastectomy bras, Johnny arrives with a client in tow. He’s furious to find the girls standing about chatting and rails at Jenny. Taking charge, Jenny shows her designs to Johnny’s client and explains it’s a niche range for an untapped market. How will both the client and Johnny react to this? Both are suitably impressed and Johnny praises Jenny’s business acumen. Jenny tells Johnny she’s happy to sign the pre-nup as she’s marrying him for love not money. Kate resigns from the factory, telling Johnny she’s got a new job at the bistro.
ELSEWHERE Clocking Sinead’s miserable expression, Daniel drags her for a drink. Sinead pours her heart out to Daniel, telling him about her doomed relationship with Chesney.

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  1. I thought Georgia Taylor was going to be much more dynamic in her reprisal of Toyah than she is. I see no chemistry or passion at all between Toyah and Peter.

  2. Tom well said! I completely agree. I am so disappointed in Toyah's return.
    I don't remember her being so unlikeable and self-absorbed. Absolutely zero chemistry!

  3. I agree Tom ! No chemistry . Cannot believe Peter saying she is the love of his life . I believed it twice before when he was with Leanne and Carla . But this relationship with Toyah ain't gonna set the world on fire that's for certain!

  4. You're right- Peter and Toyah have no chemistry.

    Wow, they make it seem so easy for Jenny to develop a mastectomy bra, with no knowledge of it, no research, no development, no testing. LOL! It's ridiculous. Why would this be better than what has is already on the market?

  5. I'm wondering if the actress was having trouble with her portrayal because she has to appear restrained since she was doing this behind her husband and Leanne's backs. Hopefully, now that everyone us in the loop, she'll be the Toyah we remembered.
    This Jenny storyline is ridiculous. There are plenty of excellent options already on the market and offered by brands with better access to technology and the market. A small company like Underworld just couldn't compete, Alya's project with limited editions and almost artisanal production would be more their speed. This is a factory where Johnny nearly bit Aiden's head off when he believed Alya's machine had been paid by him even though you'd think a lingerie manufacturer would already have such equipment. Very small potatoes.

  6. You said it Maricha- the actress is having trouble with her portrayal. It is not good enough.
