Thursday 2 February 2017

Phelan sets his sights on Seb in Coronation Street

I've been enjoying watching the character of Seb since he came into the show. Seb is unpleasant, that's for sure, and he's absolutely no good whatsoever for Faye, but therein lies his appeal. It's always the nasty ones that are the most fun to watch, well, most of the time.

Next week on Coronation Street we'll see Seb cross the wrong man when he gets on the wrong side of Pat Phelan. 

It starts when Seb breaks into the backyard at No. 11 where Eileen and Pat live.  Phelan catches him and Eileen wants the cops brought in, but Phelan has other plans for Seb...

Oh 'eck.

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  1. So we have Nathan manipulating Bethany and Seb manipulating Faye. Seb will then be manipulated by Phelan. Soon to arrive back in Weatherfield is Rosie who has been manipulated by her drug dealer boyfriend. Give up.

  2. Is this the best the writers can do for Phelan's character? Finding the next victim to black mail? Two words => Over it! >.<

  3. Nearly had to turn off last night for the first time ever (Canadian episode). The whole Phelan/Andy blackmail thing was carried on WAY too long. I don't think I can bear a repetition with Seb. Why do the storyliners ruin what starts out as interesting by making situations last WAY too long? I could cite Graham/Xin, Tina McIntyre/Peter and many others - the latest being Phelan/Andy. This is just lazy writing.

  4. Oops - I forgot the Caz/Maria storyline, perhaps the worst of all.

  5. Can't stand Phelan, can't stand Seb, can't say I'm sorry to see him bite off more than he can chew.

  6. It does seem odd that they are going this route with Phelan and Seb. Seb has been on the show for like 5 minutes and really who cares what happens to him? It's a non story to me.
    The Andy story has been so incredibly ridiculous, that it is unwatchable. All the things he has done to his neighbors under Phelan's direction are so so much worse than the bonk on the head he gave Phelan.But we're supposed to believe that he's so afraid of being arrested for assault that he willingly commits arson and burglary (twice) and let's Steph take the fall? It's so stupid.
    But, I guess in some ways it's fitting. I never liked him from the beginning. He started out as a louse, a liar and a thief. So, he gets to check out of the program the same.

  7. Anon, l8.26 and 20.32, I agree with both of you! I have been watching Corrie for over 40 years and for the first time I almost turned it off.
    What with Michelle being so horrid to Steve and Phelan manipulating Andy to possibly commit murder I was almost more than I could take.
    Ironically, my husband who is not a fan and who happened to walk in the room, found the Phelan storyline interesting, so maybe the writers are trying to attract new viewers who knows. I just wish there was some light at the end of the tunnel. Sigh.

    1. The thing is, will these new viewers who knew this show existed and ignored it all these years, suddenly turn into a loyal long-term audience in big enough numbers to make up for the old viewers they turn off by drawing these Phelan stories out?

  8. don't think new viewers will out-number old viewers. Seriously, don't TPTB get what's going on here? We are all fed up with the same old dragged out storylines. Maybe if we stop watching on masse they will get with the program. Teehee.

  9. Need a mass boycot in Cansda and the UK. All on the same night. No-one tune it. I wish,

  10. well I'm sure CBC would complain to ITV studios if their viewer numbers dropped considerably, thereby forcing CBC to cut their ad fees down accordingly, which would hurt their bottom line. The same would happen to ITV in the UK. Maybe then they would have to reconsider their plan to "make over" Corrie St. Strange that it has been ages since Corrie has won any major awards, surely that should give TPTB food for thought.

  11. I wonder if we are ever going to actually find out where Phelan concealed Andy's body or if it is simply going to be left as a mystery which is never solved? I suspect the latter.

    1. Like James and the money? Or Vinny and the deposits? Or Lewis and Gail's life savings? Nah, they'd never leave it unsolved.

  12. I don't mind Phelan. I hope he's around to give that stunned cow of an Eileen a real wake up call. He's like a cat among the pigeons.

  13. I agree with all the negative comments about Phelan and this latest storyline is a recycling of when Richard Hillman went after Sarah's bab boy boyfriend Ade Critchely and attempted to frame him for Maxins's Peacock murder and the attempted murder of Emily.
    Is Phelan going to try and kill someone[Eileen?]and frame Seb for it?

  14. I also wonder if the truth will ever emerge that Kylie was responsible for Callum's death and that David and Sarah both covered up this fact. As I understand it the only other person who knows the truth is Todd after Sarah revealed it to him but promised to keep his mouth shut. I believe the late Tony Stewart is still officially regarded as the murderer. I wonder if at some point in the future Todd will reveal the truth which would mean Sarah and David being prosecuted for perverting the course of justice or even for murdering Callum. It wouldn't even surprise me if Phelan was somehow involved in such a storyline if he was still around at the time! As far as I know nothing like this is planned for the immediate future but could perhaps be used later if David or Sarah were ever to be written out. Or maybe the circumstances of Callum's death will simply be forgotten like many other things in Corrie's history. It would also be interesting if Callum's mother ever reappeared at some point wishing to see her grandson again.

  15. Phelan - boring, boring, boring. Just how long can you keep repeating the same scenario with the same character ?
