Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tim's allotment scam in Coronation Street

I'm loving the sound of this storyline!  Tim gets an allotment next week in Coronation Street. And Inside Soap magazine reveal that he tries to convince a local archaeology group that he's found some ancient artefacts on the allotment.

It's Sally's idea to get Tim the allotment and Tim's not best pleased. So, when he sees Tyrone and Freddie return from searching for scrap metal to sell and they've got an ancient-looking vase that they've found, Tim gets an idea.

Before long, Tim has a group of archaeologists digging through the allotment for him, thinking they're going to find ancient pottery.  However, news of the dig reaches Roy's ears and he's keen to see what can be found under the soil.

Will Roy rumble Tim and turn him in to Sally?

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  1. Sounds good! Tim is the new Jack Duckworth :D

  2. It may be giggle also - looking forward to this - should prove to be very entertaining.

  3. Didn't Sally use to go on and on about having a conservatory? I thought if she put Tim to work anywhere it would be there to grow her some exotic flowers not at some allotment to produce local vegetables.

  4. Yeh, it all seems a bit sudden and messy. I think it's something they've had to rush into because the lad got sacked for racism and they've had to partially scrap storylines and stuff... it was funny though...
