Wednesday 2 March 2016

Thankyou for everything, Tony Warren

I almost met Tony Warren once. It was at Coronation Street's 50th birthday party back in 2010.  He was there, talking to the press, mingling, looking well.  I was there as part of the invited press pack and, notepad in hand, went to speak to some of the Corrie cast. We were allowed to mingle freely with them all, ask them anything we liked, share a cake or a cuppa with them.  Most of them were there.

Now then, I don't have the tenacity of a hack. I'm not a journalist. First, foremost and always, I'm a Coronation Street fan (who can write).  I approached the cast members I really admired and spoke to Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley Cropper), Steve Huison (Eddie Windass) and Craig Charles (Lloyd Mullaney). I stood in a scrum waiting to speak to David Neilson (Roy Cropper) but couldn't get a word in as the proper journos elbowed me out. It was done nicely, but I was still elbowed out.

As we were leaving at the end of a wonderful day on the Street, Tony Warren was waiting by the exit as we passed. He was on his own, and I have to admit, looking slightly lost. I was within inches of him. I could easily have smiled at him, said hello. But I was too nervous. Speaking to cast members had been one thing, they were actors used to dealing with the press and the public, but approaching Tony Warren? A different thing altogether.

This was a man I was in awe of, and will remain so for the rest of my life.  This was a man who single-handedly changed British culture - and who also changed my life.  So no, I didn't speak to him, because I didn't dare. I walked past him and turned. I watched him as he looked out onto the Street, the world he created. "Thankyou," I mouthed to the back of his head ... and then I walked away.

Without Tony Warren there would be no Coronation Street.  Without Coronation Street I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband and made some great friends. Without Coronation Street I wouldn't have been proposed to while sitting on Maxine's Bench while on a VIP tour of the old set, many years ago.  Without Tony Warren I wouldn't have written as many words as I have done for over 20 years.

In short, without Tony Warren, I wouldn't be who I am.

Thankyou, Tony Warren, for everything. 

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  1. Fair brought a tear to my eye that did Nora. Beautifully put.

  2. A lovely tribute. Tony Warren has changed more lives than he knew, mine as well.

  3. Wonderful tribute. I was also moved that his unfortunate passing made the headlines on MSN homepage with a lovely tribute by Bill Roache. He truly was an icon. Will be missed by millions.

  4. Beautifully put Nora, we will all be eternally grateful to him, none more than me.

  5. Sorry to hear of his passing. Deepest condolences to those close to him including his work family.

  6. maggie muggins2 March 2016 at 18:29

    Very moving tribute story, Flaming Nora. A huge loss to fans the world over. Warm condolences to those closest to Tony, his friends, family and Corrie family. The theme tune will sound very sad tonight, but continue to herald years of laughter, joy and tears.

  7. Very touching tribute. Astonishing that Tony Warren was so young when he began writing Coronation Street. Can't think of anyone else who has written for TV and got their scripts produced at such a young age. Probably wouldn't happen now.

  8. Oh Glenda, what a wonderfully moving tribute. It brought a tear to my eye.
