Wednesday 2 March 2016

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 2 March

Wednesday 2nd March
WILL AIDAN AND EVA BE CAUGHT RED HANDED Johnny reminds Aidan and Eva of the importance of their dinner date at the O’Driscolls as they’re crucial to the future of the factory. Eva tells Billy that she plans to used the evening to slip away from dinner and find Marta’s passport. Whilst dinner is served at the O’Driscolls, Eva sets about her mission. Aidan’s shocked to find Eva rifling through Julia’s office drawers. Pulling out a passport, Eva explains that it belongs to Marta and the O’Driscolls were keeping her as their slave. But as Richie and Julia enter the room will Eva be caught in the act?
ERICA MAKES HER INTENTIONS CLEAR Mary tells Erica it’s obvious she and Dev fancy each other and should stop pussy-footing about. When Dev shows off his new date, Karen from the Golf Club to Liz, she and Mary form a plan to scupper his evening. Introducing herself as Dev’s nanny, Mary tells Karen she’s just one in a long line of girlfriends as Dev is such a womaniser. As Karen leaves horrified, Erica approaches dressed to the nines and kisses him on the lips. Is it mission accomplished?
MICHAEL’S PHELAN LEFT OUT In the Rovers, Phelan flirts with Eileen while Michael seethes. Aware that Andy’s saving up for a holiday, Phelan offers him some labouring work and Andy gratefully accepts. Phelan’s pleased, knowing how annoyed Michael will be.
ELSEWHERE Sarah escorts Bethany to school and makes it clear she’ll be checking up on her from now until her exams. Tracy calls in the bistro and assuming her position of joint-owner, starts throwing her weight around and rubbing Gail, Andy, Steph and Leanne up the wrong way. How will Robert react when he hears about Tracy’s interference in the running of the business?

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  1. I truly hope that Robert finally opens his eyes and realizes what a ticking time bomb Tracy is - she will destroy that business in a heart beat and run off all the wait staff and customers. Hopefully he will knock her down big time in front of the rest of the staff and we can finally see some justice for all the malice she has caused on the street. I was disappointed in Monday's episodes. It almost seems like soap law that if 2 people are sharing a secret there is always a 3rd person who overhears that secret. Well, unfortunately no one was around when Tracy was a true to Carla and Leanne.

  2. How can Tracy consider herself 'co owner'of the Bistro when the papers aren't signed yet and she and Robert aren't even married or engaged for the matter?
    I also hope that Robert realises that Tracy is a liability and not an asset and if she gets away with her blackmail against Carla to because she didn't get her way with Tony and own the Rovers,then I don't think I could continue watching Corrie.
