Wednesday 2 March 2016

TODAY: Online Q&A with David Neilson and Chris Gascoyne

David Neilson (Roy Cropper) and Chris Gascoyne (Peter Barlow) are currently starring in the stage production of the Beckett play Endgame.

As part of the show, Home Manchester are hosting a live, online Q&A with David and Chris.

This is a chance for people to ask them about this project, their experiences of working on and performing in the play, their backgrounds in TV and theatre, and for any aspiring actors to get tips.

Home Manchester are asking people to get in touch with questions via Twitter @home_mcr or watch live via their website.  We'll be posting a reminder on the day here on the Coronation Street Blog.

The live Q&A takes place on Wednesday 2nd March from 12:00 - 12:45. Full details can be found here. 

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  1. Wow, I seriously had to stare at the pics for a few minutes - I didn't recognize either one. Spooky. I suppose being in North America we probably won't have access to the online content. Our loss. On another note I was surprised to find that we actually get the latest series of Beowulf starring Ian Paulsten-Davis, for other americans it is showing on the Esquire channel during the day. It's great to be able to see your favourite ex-Corrie stars going on to bigger and better things.

  2. The lengths they've gone to to get in character are truly awesome! I saw photos of them a few weeks ago announcing the play and even then they looked very un-Corrie.
