Sunday 5 January 2020

Celebrate Shakespeare, Coronation Street style

Let's have a look at some famous quotes from the Bard - as if they had been written in Weatherfield.

1. The Balcony Scene (Romeo and Juliet)

2. Now is the winter of our discontent. (Richard III) Gail's also got another connection to Richard III here.

3. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child! (King Lear)

4. Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? (Macbeth) 

5. I am one who loved not wisely but too well. (Othello) 

6. Get thee to a nunnery. (Hamlet) 

7. Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. (The Tempest)

8. Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps. (Much Ado about Nothing) 

9. To be, or not to be: that is the question. (Hamlet)

10. All the world ‘s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. (As You Like it) 

You might also like to watch this old video showing some of the cast from Corrie and Emmerdale recite one of Shakespeare's sonnets.

And if you like that sort of daft thing, you might also like these!
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. This is brilliant Flamig Nora! All life is in both Shakespeare and Coronation Street.

  2. Excellent idea - although I would have рut Ivy going to the nunnery! :)

  3. Love This Flaming Nora! well done comparison. And I Love the older photo of the cast. Funny about Ben Price's photo. He looks like a flat cut out. Even the shadows on his face are different than the others around him...Maybe he was off working on a secret moon landing?

  4. THere are several staff members in that cast photo that were photoshopped in, i recognized the exact photo/posture/clothing from the official cast photos. Nick/Ben Price is definitely one of them.

    Great post! My two favourite things, Shakespeare and Corrie!!

  5. Lloyd also рhotoshoррed ;)

  6. Much though I love the fire-escape photo of Ena, perhaps a more apposite one for the R&J balcony scene might have been Kal on the balcony with Leanne on the ladder below ... it had a suitable tragic denoument.

  7. I think Sarah would have be the one to 'get thee to a nunnery'both fathers of her children are dead and the writers are running out of blokes for Sarah to sleep with!

  8. Lovely memories there, Glenda. The Corrie / Emmerdale montage was and still is genius. They don't do cast photos like that any more. There isn't enough beard oil for today's male actors!

    Good memory too of Tvor's comment.
