Wednesday 13 January 2016

David Bowie, Musical Genius and Coronation Street fan

For those of us mourning the loss of David Bowie, I hope this brings a little smile.  In an article in today's Guardian about Bowie, it transpires that the man was a fan of our favourite show.

Here's the relevant paragraph, but it's worth reading the whole interview of course.

"... It’s June 1978 and 18,000 fans are whistling and wailing for the intermission to end. They clap their hands, stamp their feet and holler for Bowie to return. He has performed live for 1.5m people in 43 cities over the previous 14 weeks.

Behind the stage, along a concrete corridor, their starman sits in silence, dressed in snakeskin drapecoat and huge baggy white trousers, watching Coronation Street. It’s his routine to catch an episode on video during the break: to let him get his breath, to occupy his mind but not engage it, to help him hold on to the stratospheric high from the concert’s first half."

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  1. Ha! You just proved that it IS possible to admire the man more than I did already!

    1. Yes exactly, Well said Digger. Like button moment :).

  2. "Occupy his mind but not engage it" -not exactly a ringing endorsement but demonstrating the show's purpose pretty well. Mind you, how many of us have 18'000 fans screaming for us on a regular basis, thus creating a need to hold onto a "stratospheric high" ?

  3. But he could pick anything to watch to clear his mind. He had someone video tape it and watched it! Fan! Awesome!

  4. What Digger said above. I've watched some Bowie videos to go along with songs that I've never seen before in the past 2 days. The Guardian has definitely covered his death, and life, better than anywhere else. Somehow doesn't surprise me he was a Corrie fan.

  5. Bowie is wearing Kevin Webster's bomber jacket on the cover of the Stage album.
