Sunday 1 November 2015

Three Years and Counting

Three years ago today I wrote and published my first blog on this wonderful site. Time flies when you’re having fun and it’s certainly been a blast so far. Coronation Street has always been a joy in my life, even when it’s been at its lowest ebb. It’s always been there in the background, cheering me up, making me laugh, cry and everything in between. So many of the characters and actors have been in the corner of my living room all my adult life. Precious memories.

I’ve been forging some new memories since I joined the Coronation Street Blog team. It’s a real privilege to write about Corrie, to share views and opinions with my fellow bloggers and readers all around the world. Not everyone agrees with my blogs, but I’ve come to appreciate all the comments and feedback I receive, on the blog and on Twitter. It’s a thrill still that anyone actually takes the time to read my electronic scribblings.

So to celebrate my little anniversary, here are my top three highlights from the past three marvellous years as part of the Coronation Street Blog story.

The Nasty Blogger

In 2013 I attended my first official ITV Coronation Street press day. I was incredibly nervous. I had visited Granada several times in the past when the original Corrie tour was running so that was nothing new. To meet and interview some of the stars, the executive producer and mingle with journalists was a different story! I must admit press junkets are not my favourite thing in the world. I’m not very good at playing the game and although I’m extremely grateful to be given the chance to attend these events, it sometimes takes rather a lot out of me!

I attended a press screening which saw ITV preview the episodes in which Stella Price reopened the Rovers after the fire and Tina went into labour. As part of this, we got to meet and interview Michelle Collins, John Michie, Chris Fountain, Michelle Keegan, Mikey North and Cherylee Houston.

Then it happened. While the journalists in my group were introducing themselves, Michelle Collins suddenly interjected and asked who I was. When I said I was a blogger, she looked me straight in the eye and asked if I was the Nasty Blogger. Thankfully John Michie came to my aid, adding that I couldn’t be given that I’m a fellow Scot!

Sadly Michelle, yes I probably was the Nasty One. I had written several blogs criticising her character, Stella Price. I couldn’t stand her, thought she was beige and insipid and I was glad when she left Weatherfield. I stand by all that. I must add that Michelle Collins was a perfectly nice woman and I’d never criticise the actor behind the character. It was definitely nothing personal. It was still quite a moment though, and gave me an early indication of just how many people read the blog.

My date with Hayley

Hayley Cropper was always one of my favourite characters. Julie Hesmondhalgh played her so brilliantly for sixteen years and it was terribly sad when she decided to leave. This, of course, meant that Hayley had to die. The cancer storyline was one of Corrie’s most beautifully told stories in recent years. It was painful, hard to watch but also funny and incredibly human. In the months leading up to Julie’s departure, I had the great pleasure of meeting her twice. The first time was a round table session with other journalists where we got to ask questions on how she felt about leaving Corrie. I struggled to get a word in when pitted against these experienced professionals but thankfully lingering on after the others had rushed off for their trains worked a treat as I got to talk to the lovely Julie herself as well as having a fab photo taken of the two of us (which is now in a frame in my living room!)

I met Julie again the following January when I went for an advance screening of her final episodes. It was bizarre to watch those powerful, deeply sad episodes with several cast members sitting behind us and Julie enjoying a cup of tea outside! Yet again she was an absolute joy and proved to be probably the nicest famous face I’ve ever met. Meeting Julie Hesmondhalgh was without a doubt one of my favourite Coronation Street Blog highlights.

The Team

It goes without saying that the friendships formed through the blog are the best bit of all. Over the past three years I’ve come to know some cracking fellow Corrie fans through the blog and Twitter. The Corrie Blog team are the best ever – everyone is so talented and passionate about The Street and I’m proud to be a part of it all. Earlier this year I met the team properly for the first time and it was fantastic. The first meet up of many I hope! We wouldn’t have a blog without our Glenda. She is endlessly encouraging and has become a very dear friend.

As well as the fantastic team of writers, contributing to the blog has also led to friendships with several other people with Corrie connections. Jonny, Kate and Joe – you know who you are! I must also thank all the regular Twitterers I interact with – it’s always great to hear from you.

So there you have it, three years and counting! 

You can follow me on Twitter @GraemeN82 

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All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Love your posts to this wonderful blog Graeme! Long may you continue:)

  2. Agree: I enjoy all the blog posts here, everyone has their own style. But I always look forward to yours in particular, they're incisive and funny, and more often than not, summarise my own feelings on a plot or topic. Keep on blogging Graeme!

  3. I have really enjoyed your posts, Graeme! And I think your view of St Stella of the Beige is spot on, Michelle Collins was in no way responsible for the apathy and antagonism towards her character, she was sadly a victim of an over-enthusiastic production team who re sadly out of touch with their viewing public.
    Here's to your next three years - and hopefully much longer!

  4. jn in Atlanta:
    lovely post Graeme and may you all continue for years to come. I, for one, will be the first to admit it, but many times I enjoy much more reading the blog page and all the comments posted rather than watching the actual episodes, especially lately. I am so looking forward to the new producer starting so we can get back to the show we all love. Graeme have you ever thought about applying to the show for a position on the writing staff? - I think you would be brilliant.

  5. Really enjoy your blogs because you read my mind. After I've watched a not very brilliant episode, it's good to see that I'm not alone. Hope you stay with the team.

  6. What a beautiful blog post. Your blogs Graeme... they say everything that's in my head, it's as if you can read my mind and when I read your words about the show, it's exactly the same thoughts I'm having but you say it so much more beautifully and eloquent. It is an honour to have such talented and wonderful writers on our team, long may it continue.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, you came along and joined this blog at a time when I was so fed up with Coronation Street because of St Ella of the back room being pushed into every storyline that I was on the verge of giving it all up. You saved the blog!

  7. Thanks for all the lovely comments :) My apparent ability to read minds is quite worrying...

  8. JN in Atlanta ... I don't think they would have me and I doubt I could play the game as expected...I'm too outspoken!

  9. Thanks Flaming Nora, that means a lot :)

  10. Such a lovely blog Graeme. I always enjoy and look forward to your thoughtful, amusing and well considered pieces. It has also been a joy getting to know the person behind the words over the past couple of years. Long may you continue to enrich both my Corrie and online experiences.

  11. Thanks Emma, that's lovely :) It's been fab to get to know you too. Looking forward to catching up again very soon!

  12. Your posts are always a joy to read!

  13. Happy third anniversary Graeme! I also love your blogs! They're funny and witty and always spot on!


  14. Congratulations on your first three years Graeme. Loved today's blog. Just as witty and full of great Corrie info as usual. Loved the 'beige Michelle Collins'comments! All the blogging team do a fantastic job and totally agree with others when they say it's brought together all us Corrie fans into one huge family. Keep blogging Graeme.

  15. Love your blog as always, and have to say you seem to read my mind too. Pity the 'powers that be' don't take more notice of yours and most of the viewers comments

    1. Thanks! If they took too much notice I'd have nothing to moan about!

  16. Have loved every one of your blogs, Graeme - you are a superb addition to the team. I belong to the crew who think YOU should be writing for Corrie (along with FN of course). To you, FN, and all the other bloggers who contribute - - you make my day.
    Bev, Canada

  17. JN in Atlanta:
    I think all of us who love and adore your blogs (even if you do tend to read our minds) should get together and start a petition to get Graeme on a permanent staff on Corrie St. Provided you could still contribute to this blog page. If the media dept at Corrie are following this page and are as savy as they should be, why not give him a try, just think of the positive publicity it would be for Corrie and the fans. Don't they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Hey - maybe make it a one episode to start and then have the viewers vote either yay or nay. Heck they do it for the cast on the award shows - why not for bloggers and/or writers. Any thoughts fellow posters???

  18. Happy anniversary Graeme and I hope you have many more! Everyone here does a great job - even if I don't always comment, I usually pop on here for a peek every day. Being in Canada, this is a great place to keep up with all the Corrie news.

    Your St Ella comments always make me laugh -- possibly because I'm just as guilty as you for calling her that on a consistent basis. I have nothing against Michelle Collins either, in fact I had never heard of her before. It was just a case of a character that didn't work. Hope Michelle is keeping busy at a new job!

  19. Always enjoy your blogs Graeme. Lovely stuff. Long may it continue!

  20. And of course, you are never the Nasty Blogger, Graeme. Actors in soap live in such a rareified environment with everyone telling them they're terrific and wonderful and classic Coronation Street characters that it must come as something of a shock to find out that some of us fans don't enjoy watching them on screen. You're never nasty, always honest and speak for the majority of us fans who come here to this great website.

  21. Always love your blogs Graeme - keep blogging xxx

  22. Nothing new to add to all the wonderful comments on here Graeme; just want to add my best wishes to the list.

    Your blogs are always well-thought out and written, a real pleasure to read and it is strange how, for the most part, you seem to echo most reader's own thoughts about the show and it's characters.

    This blog has a wealth of excellent bloggers and it's always a pleasure to read their varied opinions.

    Thank you so much for all your many commentaries Graeme,you express so well what many of us are thinking and would like to say.

  23. Happy Anniversary Graeme! I always enjoy reading your blogs. From another Canadian fan.

  24. Terrific stuff Graeme! Keep 'em coming!
