Sunday 1 November 2015

Corrie weekly awards for Oct. 26 - 30

Remarkable Coincidence award: The viaduct empty space is newly up for sale just as Kevin is needing space to expand. Tyrone is a partner. Doesn't he have any say in all this?

Entitled award: Aadi and Asha, old enough to pack an overnight bag themselves, still reckon Mary should do it for them.

Continuity fluff: One of the cakes on Monday was apparently Sally's. But she's not back from honeymoon yet.

Martyr award: Mary feels unappreciated so she's insisting on delivering and picking up the twins even though Dev offered to help (after a rollocking, but still...)

Cone of Silence award: Why is it that sometimes, characters overhear other conversations from more than 10 or 12 feet away yet sometimes, don't overhear when sitting right next to another.

Blast from the Past award: Awww Tyrone still keeps a photo of Jack and Vera

Generosity award: Yasmeen and Sharif offering Gary a chunk of the gym as a wedding gift.

Wait, what? So Kevin *did* buy the garage off that old mate of his? Why didn't he send some of those cars to that one? (or did he?)

Flexible award: Yasmeen does pilates.

Mr. Obvious award: Ken grabbing for any excuse to hang out with Audrey. Art class?

Fashion Win: I LOVED Ruby's ghost dress!I also really liked Mary's top, with the owls on it.

Argument fail: Norris might be caustic about Mary's love of The Inexplicable but she rightly pointed out he reads one about ghost hunting. I think he just lost that argument.

Mary and the editor of the paranormal magazine, Brendan, get the Kindred Spirits award. (see what I did there?)

More annoyances: Audrey taking an art class. In the middle of a work day. While shorthanded with Maria away. Mary writing her novel in the middle of a busy shop. Mary getting upset that the shop won't carry her favourite magazine. Ever hear of a subscription?

Lines of the week:
Mary "Do one, Noz!"
Norris "That is like saying the Weatherfield Gazette is the foremost voice of world politics" (it isn't?)
Yasmeen "How do you want me? any position is fine. I do pilates" (You might want to rephrase that)
Sharif "C'mon Zee. Bridezilla's got her claws out"
Mary "Oh Brendan" Norris "Oh, my" Rita "It's more than his number 65 she's after"
Yasmeen "Alya. What did you expect?"
Mary about the twins "You'd think I was asking them to dig trenches"
Norris about Mary "Mary Queen of Strops"
Norris "Amy is not Mozart and you know it!"

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  1. Kevin gave Tyronne half the business 7 years ago or so, for free. A reward for friendship and hard work. Bonus was sleeping with Ty's gal. No one does something like that regardless of great sex. It made no sense then or now. So, methinks, the writers are treating Ty as an employee to make up for their past errors. Lookit. They can't give Sophie 30% and have Ty with half. That would leave Kevin with just 20%. So I think yes, the newer writers lost track. But, it works better anyways with Ty as an employee. The business of him being a partner was just plain dumb in the first place. And so the cobbles wear on.

    It even makes less sense today. Now it appears the writers lost track and it now appears Ty's just another employee.

  2. Kevin gave Tyronne half the business 7 years ago or so, for free. A reward for friendship and hard work. Bonus was sleeping with Ty's gal. No one does something like that regardless of great sex. It made no sense then or now. So, methinks, the writers are treating Ty as an employee to make up for their past errors. Lookit. They can't give Sophie 30% and have Ty with half. That would leave Kevin with just 20%. So I think yes, the newer writers lost track. But, it works better anyways with Ty as an employee. The business of him being a partner was just plain dumb in the first place. And so the cobbles wear on.

    It even makes less sense today. Now it appears the writers lost track and it now appears Ty's just another employee.

  3. I really enjoyed this week's episodes, and Rita's 'it's more than his number 65 she's after' had me laughing out loud! But the storyline with Kevin and 'his' garage is really annoying me. Im so glad that Sophie finally has ambition, and that there's more to life than employment in the faktry/pub/corner shop. But first Kevin 'forgot' he'd had a baby that died, and now it seems he 'forgot' that he gave 50% of the business to Tyrone. Get a grip, writers!

  4. I thought when Kevin wanted to expand the business Tyrone was not interested as Fiz thought it was too risky. Is it possible that Kevin purchased the garage from his old mate on his own without sharing any with Tyrone? Perhaps they are keeping the 2 companies separate in some way or another. Using that old warehouse on the street was a brilliant idea - might as well as it isn't being used for anything else. On that note whatever happened to the space in the viaduct that Terry Duckworth was going to use to open a lap dancing club?

  5. Yes, Kevin bought the second garage from his friend on his own but Tyrone's still hasn't really been addressed. Yeah, Kevin's still treating Tyrone like an employee, though.

  6. Catman: He can give Sofie 21% of his NEW garage, which Tyrone is not a part of. Makes me wonder though how such an arrangement would work - if a lucrative contract comes in, which garage gets it? And is he going to take on more staff? What about a couple of part-times? There's a Zero-hours contract story in there.

  7. It was wonderful seeing Ruby in her ghost costume as she seemed forgotten for awhile.As for her father's 'partnership' with Kevin,I don't think it was ever put in writing and Kevin only made the offer out of guilt due to his affair with Ty's wife Molly and fathered her son and seemed to have forgotten about the deal when DNA tests proved he was Jack's father.

  8. The Embodiment of Class Award: to Gary Windass for not only throwing Alya under the bus with her family, but for doing so in the street at the top of his lungs, on the heels of their giving him a share of the family business. The only saving grace is that Norris wasn't outside sweeping.

  9. Pilates gives you core strength, which means Yasmeen could rely on her abs to strike any pose for a length of time. Not that she's flexible... or whatever other sexual innuendo you were aiming for.

  10. I think the innuendo was intentional by the writer of the episode

    1. After some serious, dare I say, ponderous reflection, I agree. This is one those Corrie occurrences, that produce debate like a perfect-storm. Between the old episodes and today's, I have to get a life!

  11. I'm not sure about you Catman, but I for one enjoy the blog page much more than the actual episode thanks to the bloggers and viewers who leave comments = at least they make me chuckle.

  12. Regarding Mary's owl shirt - it seems ironic that she wore that, after hearing her tell Amy about her choice of musical instruments - the harp. She said she didn't realize how bulky it was, and how her mum wouldn't go out of door 'due to her fear of owls'. LOL

  13. At the risk of having this comment deleted, I really miss Frosty the Snowman's weekly awards!

  14. Frosty is welcome back at any time as long as he keeps his nastiness off this site. Other websites are available.
