Tuesday 13 October 2015

You're the new Corrie producer - who would you keep and cull?

Each time there's a change of producer at the top of Coronation Street, the tabloids always go a little mad saying that cast fear for their jobs.  There's a story in today's papers saying much the same thing.

Well, it's got me thinking.  If YOU were the incoming Coronation Street producer, which one character would you absolutely keep - and which one character would you get rid of?

My choice of one character to keep is a difficult choice. Well, my absolute favourite character is Rita - always has been and always will be - but I'm also very, very fond of Roy. I would hope that any incoming producer would be keeping Rita anyway... so I'd say I'd like to keep Roy.

And my choice of one character to cull is difficult to decide on too as there are about half a dozen I could cheerfully wave goodbye to. But as we're limiting this to just one character, it concentrates the mind! So if I were the new producer I would get rid of Sharif Nazir.  For this fan, I don't think Sharif adds much, if anything, to my enjoyment of the show.

So there's my choice of one character to keep and one to cull. Which ones would be yours?

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  1. Keep Eva, and ditch Dev (shame we are limited to just one!)

  2. I think I'd definitely keep Sally (though yes, Roy but I'll choose Sally just so we have some variety!)
    To cull, I think my choice would be Maria. They've done nothing with her for ages which is a shame but since she really hasn't added to the show for some time, I'd remove her from the mix.

  3. Keep: Audrey
    Ditch: Dev

  4. Keep Sally, lose Dev.

  5. Keep Kylie.
    Ditch Anna.

  6. Keep Eva (but give her more Than sad repeat stories like getting a job at factory and going out with new male boss)
    Lose Dev (reached end of the line with interesting storylines)

  7. Cull complete Connor cast 'cept Carla. (That's not one, I know).

  8. keep sally, lose tracy

  9. Keep Steve, lose Michelle

  10. Now that the baby story is over, I say get rid of Anna, Gary, and Izzy. Faye could go live with Tim and Sally.

  11. Keep: Sally (all the seniors)
    Ditch: Sophie (and Izzy)

  12. Keep Audrey
    Ditch the rest of the Platts.Then maybe other characters can get a chance.

  13. keep Eva the seniors n Roy will be safe
    ditch Anna since the turn of the year she has been unbearable

  14. Keep: Leanne
    Ditch: Sophie

  15. Keep Audrey
    Ditch Dev

    Fortunately I am not the new producer, as many actors on this show would lose their jobs by the end of the year.

  16. Keep: Steph (I absolutely love her and bringing her on the show was genius)
    Cull: Maria (Nothing is being done with her and she seems to be very much a one note character)

  17. Keep: Roy
    Ditch: Bethany, Izzy, Alya, Sophie, Simon
    Consider for round 2 of culling: Anna, Gary, Sean

  18. Keep Audrey and get rid of Maria and Dev

  19. KEEP - Liz (I think we are all agreed Our Roy is staying, right )

    LOSE - Izzy

  20. Keep: Leanne
    Ditch: Carla

  21. Keep Audrey
    Ditch Sophie

  22. Keep Sarah
    Ditch Tracey

  23. Assuming Roy is not even up for discussion :)
    Keep: Tim
    Cull: Norris - a nasty, spiteful character, he's become just like a male version of Tracy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

  24. Keep: Sally
    Ditch: Dev . . . forever

  25. keeр Callum (underground ;))
    cull the gym

  26. And Dev wins by a country mile. Result!

  27. Poor Dev! I like him, so I'd keep him and dump the godawful little snot, Bethany.

  28. Half the writers for coming up with such ridiculous monotonous repetitive ripped-off storylines for the past how long now?

  29. Keep: David Platt - he's the perfect soap character.
    Ditch: Kevin Webster - never been a fan.

  30. Keep: Dev
    Ditch: Fiz

  31. Keep: Audrey
    Ditch: SEAN!!!!

  32. Ditch: Gail
    Keep: Billy

    Gail has become a complete idiot I cannot stand her character!
