Monday 5 October 2015

Vote: Do you think Tim will turn up to marry Sally?

Tonight's the night for Sally Webster's 3rd wedding. But will there be a marriage? 

The previews for tonight's double Coronation Street show Sally in her wedding outfit waiting for Tim in the Bistro. 

"If you build it, he will come" is Sally's mantra, but will she get her man?

Will Tim turn up tonight and marry Sally? What do you think?  I hope he does.

Have a look at Sally's past weddings here.

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  1. I bet a million pounds that Tim arrives while Sally is sobbing all alone. They'll have a very private ceremony where they pledge their love for each other, and they never again go down the wedding route.

    Tim and Sally probably liven up their mundane lives with fantasy games so Tim will turn up dressed as the groom in a famous film (which I won't recognise until a blog review!).

  2. I hope so. I will be gutted if they put him with Anna.

  3. Coronation Street has made Sally into an idiot. Terrible script writing. Of course Tim will turn up. Corny Street wouldn't have it any other way

  4. Oops, I owe you all a million pounds. But I got the married bit right. It wasn't bad although not a great cliff hanger. I wish they hadn't used the soap cliché of someone barging in (Steph) at the wrong moment. Now can the writers please leave Tim and Sally alone and let them be a relatively happy couple.

  5. YES!! Tim will come and scoop up his bride!! I love this couple!
