Monday 5 October 2015

Two new characters arrive in Coronation Street tonight

Two new characters arrive in Coronation Street tonight.

Aidan Connor's dad Jonny and his sister Kate turn up in Underworld. Aidan has some explaining to do to Carla when Jonny Connor reveals where Aidan really got his cash from to buy into Underworld.

Meanwhile Michelle chats to Jonny's sister Kate about her upcoming wedding to soldier Caz.

Kate Connor is played by Faye Brooks and Jonny Connor is played by Richard Hawley.

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  1. Let me be the first to say it.......Kate is Carla's daughter. At least that is my humble opinion. :-)

  2. Why are the powers that be bringing in more characters? The cast is too big now. There are quite a few characters that are in desperate need of a storyline eg. Gary. Perhaps the new producer will cull the overbloated cast. I can think of quite a few characters I can live without.

  3. Ugh....more new people? So not interested. How about writing something interesting for the massive cast that is already on the show? These are the characters the viewers care about. Why keep bringing in more? Blackburn really did a bad job on this show. His decisions have been absolute rubbish.
