Thursday 1 October 2015

State of the Street - September

It's been almost all Platts all the time in September. The calamity of Callum has kind of overshadowed all the other storylines but there were some gems hidden round the corners of the screen. Roy and Cathy (I still have to stop myself from typing Roy and Hayley!) found a way to begin a new normal in their lives and Craig's art is still awing us even if he didn't get Sally's elfin mouth quite right!

Fiz and Tyrone are facing a long and painful journey ahead. Sally and Tim have hit a crater in the path to happiness. Tracy is shouldering more guilt than she's used to but most of the neighbours don't seem to be screaming at her the way they did at Carla, Yasmeen aside.

There's a longer blog post about it here on State of the Street. 

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  1. Tina O'Brien has been outstanding in recent episodes. She's totally believable as someone who's going over the edge. Of course, you have to wonder why they didn't call the police immediately Callum died, or why they didn't cart Bethany off to Milan. Still, it's been good to watch these three actors working together. My guess with Tim and Sally is that he will turn up at the wedding long after everyone has gone, and they will have a romantic ceremony alone. The writers have made it clear that neither Kevin or Anna are interested in breaking the couple up and I'm very pleased about that.

    I despair at Tracy and Robert. There really isn't any point to Tracy's character now, especially since Deirdre's death. The two characters bounced off each other so well, and I don't see where Tracy can go from here. To London, perhaps, with Robert to escape Yasmeen.

    Sorry, but I'm not taking to Cathy at all. One reason is that she's played by such a good actress that I pick up on Cathy's hot and bothered discomfort - and I don't like the feeling! Another reason is that I don't see why Roy has to be paired off with anyone yet. Alf Roberts was a widower for five years before he married Audrey. There was a lot more to be done with Roy before he settled down but, there again, this relationship may not last more than six months.

  2. ... cart *Sarah* off to Milan.

  3. Hayley was, indeed, very special as a partner to Roy because her sexual awkwardness matched his. Now comes Cathy, who was in a long-term marriage, likes pop music, has no understanding of where Roy comes from, really, except that, for some reason, she wants to make the effort to learn. So far the friendship has rekindled her love of art and redirected her hoarding tendencies into something more positive, i.e. figuring out Roy. I don't think her discomfort is "hot and bothered," just bothered, because, frankly, who wouldn't be? Also, they're not in a relationship. They shared a brief peck on the lips and, somehow, that was sufficient for Cathy, showing that she's not on any kind of fast track. The first sign of progress, prodded by Cathy btw, was Roy getting past his emotional block to support Fiz and Tyrone. The second was not to push Cathy away.

  4. Anonymous 00:13 they are dating and know each other now. Course they're in a relationship!!! I for one love them together!

  5. Well spotted the difference in reaction on the Street to discovering Tracy is the guilty party. All and sundry were ready to publicly lynch Carla! This Street is full of nitwits gagging for the opportunity to slander their neighbor but slow/never to acknowledge their error with such public vigor.
