Thursday 1 October 2015

Corrie weekly update - If you build it, he will come

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This week is the aftermath of the Corrie live episode when Callum was murdered by Kylie. The body of the campest villain that Corrie’s ever had now rests wrapped in a pirate duvet cover stuffed down Gail’s manhole in the Platt’s garage. That Callum’s end should be in Gail’s manhole sends me into innuendo overdrive and I fear if I start with the puns I may never stop. 

Kylie remains as cool as she can knowing there’s a dead body under the concrete that’s been poured in the room that will become Gail’s bedroom. David Platt plots his way out of things as best as he can but Sarah’s hysterical and in danger of dobbing them all in to the cops. Gail’s persuaded to take herself away off to Milan to stay with Uncle Stephen while David mi’laddo, Kylie and Sarah are at their wits end wondering how to get out of the mess they’ve made for themselves.

Callum’s mate Gemma turns up looking for him, she’s got nowhere else to go, no other friends or anyone else, she tells Kylie. Gemma’s grown on me a lot and her vulnerability in the scene when she turns up at the Platts makes me wonder if she’d be an asset who could stick around on the Street.  While Gemma’s in the house, Kylie leaves and takes Callum’s phone with her. Using Callum’s phone, she sends a text to Gemma pretending it’s from Callum, saying that he’s scared of drug baron Denton and has gone underground for a bit. Oh yes, he’s underground all right, right under ground.  Then Callum’s mum arrives looking for her son and so there’s more covering up and more lies as the three terrified Platts try to keep it together. But how long can they do so without Sarah losing the plot?

Elsewhere this week, Sally’s upset when Tim won’t speak to her after he found out she’d snogged Kevin. She’s even more put out when she finds out that Tim has made up with Kevin, but refuses to have anything to do with her.  She can’t understand his actions, doesn’t realise how much she’s hurt him and is livid when she finds out he’s moved in with Anna and is sleeping on her sofa.  

After moping on the sofa and shuffling to the shops in her dressing-gown (Sally! In her dressing gown! Outdoors!), Rita tells her to pull herself together. “You, lady, take responsibility for your actions!” and take responsibility Sally does. Well, after a talking-to from Rita, who wouldn’t? Sally determines to marry Tim as they’d planned, whether he wants to or not. She quotes a line from Tim’s favourite film Field of Dreams and tells everyone who’ll listen “If you build it, he will come.”  “I’ll be there in my wedding dress on Monday, waiting!” she tells Tim, but will Tim turn up on October 5th? We’ll see. I do hope he does though. 

Roy takes Cathy out on their first date and the two of them have dinner in the Bistro. Well, eventually they do, after Cathy keeps Roy waiting for far longer than she should due to having to return home to change clothes after she has an accident with the artwork in Jamila House.  After dinner Roy invites Cathy back to his place for coffee, just coffee, and Cathy agrees. The two of them sit quietly in the cafĂ© and Roy listens to the classics while sipping caffeine with Cathy.

And finally this week it’s bad news for Tyrone and Fiz when they receive news that Hope has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer. It’s a dreadful disease and a very sad story. Let’s hope Corrie can do what they do best and temper the sadness of this storyline with other events on the Street over the coming weeks in the run-up to Christmas on the cobbles. 

And that's just about that for this week.

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This week’s writers were Jonathan Harvey (Monday), Ben Tagoe (Monday), Mark Wadlow (Wednesday).  Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Callum was murdered by Kylie

    I always thought that to be classed as murder it had to be premeditated which this wasn't.
    I think it should only be that Callum was killed by Kylie.

  2. I'm starting to wonder if Callum is alive. He might have left the manhole during the night, leaving the pirate duvet behind. I would have to rewatch the scene where David goes to pull the body out, to see if there was any weight or effort.

    The only way David and Kyle can get out of this situation is if Callum is alive, otherwise, someone will go to prison when the body is found. I can't imagine that they will go on blithely in years of storylines with a body buried below the floor. Could be wrong...

  3. That would be an interesting slight of hand Shells. real nitemarish quality.

    But I think he is done for and In the MH for now... Wouldn't the body be smelling up the joint by now? A full on decomposing body in a closed area like the garage... Thin concrete floor really, the smell will likely permeate the Oh, Gail's not going to be happy!

  4. I think it was a bit odd that both David and Kylie went to pick up Max from school.
    I don't think Callem is under the floor of the garage now, I think someone has moved him and disposed of the body!
    Keep an eye on Tony!!!!

  5. perhaps it will be another "Who killed J.R. mystery?". For viewers who are perhaps too young to remember - the famous Dallas series season cliffhanger: J.R. was shot and killed in the shower - when the drama resumed in the fall it was a shock to everybody that it was all a dream and it never really happened and he wasn't dead. Hilarious - the show had everybody in the US speculating as to who had shot him - obviously no one, but the ratings did shoot up (no pun intended) tremendously. Perhaps that's what the writers & TPTB on corrie are hoping for. It wouldn't surprise me at all that at some point the hole in the garage, sorry, Annex, is excavated and lo & behold there is no body - hence the saga continues - Kylie, David & Sarah don't have to leave the show and the story continues.

  6. Anonymous at 13:55, you're mixing up two different Dallas storylines. Re Who Shot JR - no one saw who did it (including JR himself, who lived). It took an age but it turned out that his sister-in-law had done it (the audience wasn't let in on the secret until the final reveal).

    A number of seasons later, his brother Bobby died. We had a whole series without him, then Patrick Duffy (the actor who played him) decided he wanted to return and, in the last episode, his wife Pamela found him in the shower. The whole season had been her dream. Which meant the next season was like visiting a parallel universe. All the characters faced the same situations as at the start of the previous season, but they all made different choices. It was very confusing and not altogether satisfying.
