Saturday 31 October 2015

Pics from the past of visits to the Coronation Street set

Stuart in 1998

Stuart in 2015
With thanks to Coronation Street fan Stuart on twitter who allowed us permission to post these gret pictures.  Stuart paid a return visit to the Coronation Street tour recently and he had his photograph taken in exactly the same spot that he had his photo taken in when he visited back in 1998!

If you're going back to visit the Coronation Street set for one final time before it closes at the end of this year, and you've got similar pics of you from years ago when you visited, do please get in contact with us here at the Blog.

We could end up with whole gallery of pics from years gone by and recent visits to the Street tour!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking of going and have a strange question to those that have taken the tour. Does it change how you watch the show after you have visited? As in does it seem less real when watching after seeing the sets?
