Saturday 31 October 2015

Coronation Street's top five power couples

Guest blog post from Tommy Cowell.  
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Coronation Street has always been populated by power couples. From the early days of Jack and Annie Walker, to current times with Beth and Kirk. In soap land, affairs and deception are common place – it’s very rare that a happy relationship will stay that way.

Here are five Corrie Couples that prove love can conquer all...


This dynamic duo had their ups and downs, but Mavis and Derek stuck together like glue. Despite some close calls, the two remained together until Derek was tragically taken away from this mortal earth after suffering a fatal heart attack. When friends of the couple mocked Derek at his own funeral, Mavis defended her love for the man in what I consider to be one of the most emotional scenes in the shows history. (Forward to 7:15 in the YouTube below)


Tommy Harris was a difficult man. He and Angela made some very questionable parenting choices – especially when Katy started dating Martin Platt. And like all the best couples, they could row! In his final argument with Angela, Tommy hinted at the fact they could have separated years ago. However, they stuck at it. Who knows, if Katy hadn’t whacked him over the head with a wrench in the garage, they might still be together to this very day!


A classic Corrie couple. From the comedy storyline with the sofa last Christmas, to the sweaty moment when it looked like Tim wasn’t going to turn up to the wedding – Tim and Sally have been through it all in the short time they’ve been together. Despite Sally’s kiss with Kevin, Tim managed to forgive her and has stayed by her side ever since. Tim is a hapless window cleaner and Sally is a lady with delusions of grandeur. Sound familiar? They’re the reincarnation of Hilda and Stan!

Talking of which…


These two were loved by all on the street, and audiences at home - a true power couple. All Hilda wanted in life was a little bit of glamour – and when the pair won a holiday, she managed to see what the high-life was like. They were even staying in room 504 – a fact that Hilda was very impressed by.


Jack and Vera – the ultimate Corrie couple. Despite the fact they’ve not been in the show for five years, they’re still voted the most popular characters by audiences. Everybody knows and Jack and Vera – a couple who’ve been through thick and thin, and come out the other side. Interesting fact – Jack was never the sensual type. Actress Liz Dawn even suspected the character might be asexual! However, in their final scene together, Jack gives Vera a kiss – the first tender kiss he’s ever given her in 30 years on the show. Vera had been dead for two years at that point, so to show how much he missed her, he gave her a kiss. Just look at her face! She’s shocked!


Ken and Deirdre – they were on and off for many years, but were happily (ish) married for ten years before Deirdre peacefully died earlier this year.

Sally and Kevin – True, they’re no longer together. However, the pair still have a special bond. Kevin is practically married to Tim and Sally!

Beth and Kirk – as mentioned earlier, these two are fiercely in love. Kirky is the perfect man for Beth – a gorgeous sex god with a heart of gold. (And a brain of mush.)

Sophie and Maddie – a truly happy couple, until Maddie was in the wrong place at the wrong time during the Victoria Court fire and died.

All the best,
Follow Tommy on twitter and have a look at his website.
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  1. I think I'd have put Roy and Hayley in there instead of Angela and Tommy Harris but otherwise, there aren't a lot of couples that stick it out long term, are there?

  2. Rita and Dennis - Yes they didn't have the best relationship, especially towards the end, but they had a unique bond, they knew each other a long time, and they genuinely loved each other.

  3. Another couple for the list would be Audrey and Alf. Audrey was the flighty piece at the time. She led Alf a merry dance for nearly fifteen years but you knew that their marriage was rock solid.

  4. Craig and darryl the rat :)

  5. I'm disappointed that Annie and Jack Walker weren't on the Power couple list instead of the Harris' or for that even Sally and Tim who almost didn't get married due to her kissing her ex Kevin.

  6. I think the term 'power couple' needs to be defined. I'd class Nick & Carla as a power couple, or Mike & Alma and maybe Alf & Audrey, but never the Ogdens or the Duckworth. (Annie & Jack, at a pinch). The term carries connotations of professionalism and dynamic business acumen, not the strength of their love. Sally would LOVE to be part of a power couple, but Tim will never cut it, bless him. I would suggest your examples are better described as 'Soul Mates' than 'Power Couples'.
    Even in this context, I'd place the Ogdens ahead of the Duckworths. Jack often played around behind Vera's back (Dulcie Froggett?) and she wasn't whiter than white either. But, for all he was a lazy, work-shy layabout, Stanley Ogden was NEVER unfaithful to Hilda.
    Fun article though!
