Friday 4 September 2015

Watch: Corrie legends before they starred in soap

I've finally caught up and watched You Saw Them Here First which aired on ITV this week.  It's a programme looking back at some ITV greats from when they first appeared on TV, and shown as part of ITV's 60th anniversary.

On the show were Barbara Knox and Thelma Barlow (Rita and Mavis) and what a great double act they made. They were both shown clips of their work on TV before they joined Coronation Street and there are some great clips to see.  Then they watched their first scene together in Corrie.  The programme is well worth watching, I might even watch it again myself as I had never seen, or been aware of, Barbara Knox on TV before her life as Rita.

It's available to watch on YouTube and of course the ITVPlayer.  Barbara and Thelma come in just after the 41 minute mark.

Interestingly, while searching for this on YouTube I also found an old version of the show with early clips from the life of Sue Nicholls (Audrey Roberts).  You can watch that here on YouTube.

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