Friday 4 September 2015

Aidan Connor - Corrie's new fashion icon

Much was made on twitter when Shayne Ward made his debut appearance on Coronation Street as Aidan Connor.  After the Sarah Harding debacle, the sheer sense of relief that Shayne could act was immense.  Once we got over that, the next thing we noticed was his shirt. It even made its own newspaper story.

Aidan's first shirt almost, but not quite, blended into the wallaper at the factory.

Since his first foray into fashion management, we've seen the two-tone white and blue shirt.

And the brown flowery shirt, seen here starring in the Bistro trying its best to blend in with the brickwork and the leather sofa.

Is there a subliminal message going on with Aidan's shirts? Maybe they're saying he's trying but failing to fit in with his surroundings. Or maybe because he works in fashion he's showing he's got style and a sense of design. Whatever it is, I like it and I'm looking forward to seeing what the Corrie wardrobe team come up for him next.

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  1. funny, i can't wait to see him take his shirt off. tee hee.

  2. Love Shayne Ward, great addition to the street.

  3. I think Shane Ward is great as Aiden Connor but find it hard to believe that anyone would sink £80k of his hard earned cash to save that rubbishy factory where Carla is clearly still boozing and gambling it away and the staff never do any work. No doubt he will magic all these new clients out of thin air and make this farcial place rich again.
