Thursday 6 August 2015

Top 10 mysteries of Coronation Street

I've been wondering about a few Corrie loose ends.

If you know the answer to any of these, do please leave a comment below.  And if you have any more comments you want to air or things you want to point, then do.

1. Where's Eccles?
2. Where are the Renshaw twins getting their hair done these days?
3. Why did Gail's dad Ted Page disappear, never to be mentioned again?
4. Where's Ozzy?
5. Who's looking after Lily?
6. What happened to Todd Grimshaw in that London to turn him so evil?
7. How does Sophie manage to control her grief over the recent death of the love-of-her-life Maddie?
8. Has Sophie forgotten she's a church-going Christian?
9. Why hasn't Mary fought to get her beloved motorhome back?
10.Why is Gail turning into the village idiot?

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  1. I did think that there'd be a storyline of Sophie's grief about Maddie, but it went under the carpet. The Jenny story overrode it.

    Another matter I want to know about: is Rita planning to divorce Dennis? Or just be permanently estranged?

  2. Who has been looking after various children and pets for many years has been a mystery. It really does stretch credibility when Lily is never seen or mentioned!
    Also, like Sophie now, the characters in the street do get over their traumas amazingly quickly.

  3. Lily - child minder? Though why, I don't know because Kylie's not really working is she?
    I think when the motorhome was taken away, Mary said she couldn't afford to keep it where the rules and regs said she had to.
    I think Gail has lost so many husbands that she's addled with grief! ;)

  4. Mary's motorhome was possibly auctioned off to pay her fine and removal costs. The council is allowed to either crush or sell off a vehicle if it isn't collected within so many weeks.

    I'm surprised Helen Worth doesn't complain at the way her character is going although Gail has seemed a little less demented recently. Perhaps they think she's the light relief. She's not, it's demeaning.

  5. Hoрe and Ruby have been locked in their room for the last 3 years (рrobably skeletons by now)Jake has been eaten by rodents and cockroaches also ;)

  6. So many storylines unfinished whilst others rumble on for ever.

  7. And the legendary Corrie cupboard.

  8. All excellent questions, especially number 7. I suspect we all know what the answer is.

  9. Yes, and where's Ena? - we haven't seen her in years.

  10. Helen Worth is a good actress, but if seems like she is struggling to figure out where her character is going. Such facial grimaces and weird body language! I find it difficult to even look at her.

  11. How did Steve manage to recover from depression so quickly? (For real people it takes years).
    Why was Tracey never retried for the murder she committed and of which she was so clearly guilty? (Innocent people IRL can't get off as easily as she did).
    Where do all those people sleep in those little 2 up, 2 down houses?

  12. Where did Mary empty the chemical toilet of her motor home?

  13. Where did Mary empty the chemical toilet of her motor home?

  14. Where did Mary empty the chemical toilet of her motor home?

  15. What kind of visa does Carla have which allows her to swan off to LA for months at a time, and how did she get it?

  16. She was there for just two weeks.

  17. How did Stella Price, a woman whose only skill is running a boozer, get a green card that allows her to live in the US? Where is Jake? How does Ken concentrate on reading his book when the pub is right next door? And, yes, where does everyone sleep in those tiny houses and flats?

  18. I also thought Sophie seemed to recover from Maddie's death rather quickly. As far as Sophie being Christian I think that stopped as soon as she hooked up with Maddie.
    It has always driven me crazy how we don't see character's children for months at a time. When was the last time we saw Jake, Ruby or Hope? We'll probably never see Miley again. I find the increasingly idiotic Gail hard to watch. What does she do for a living now clean the toilets at the Bistro?

  19. Ha ha..this is hilarious. We wonder about this stuff all the time. Also as soon as someone moves away from the Street, it's like they've dropped off the face of the earth. Not being from the UK, I've also often wondered how council houses are doled out. That one that Fiz and everybody lives in now, for instance. Once upon a time the council was forever threatening to take the house away from Les Battersby if things weren't completely kosher there, but since then the house has just been passed along from one person to another.

  20. Where does everyone park their cars? Most people seem to have one when the plot requires it but they are never seen lining the street.

  21. The show is not as tightly held together as in the past. This is a simple truth.

  22. That's another mystery, the way people just slot in and out of jobs without having any experience of whatever it is, eg Gail was receptionist at the medical centre and Eileen was a machinist for a while, drawing on her experience on the taxi switch obviously!

  23. J in Atlantaa
    the children are kept in cupboards when they aren't needed
    dogs are in the ginnel
    cars are parked in a mysterious parking lot which we never see unless the storyline requires that it miraculously appears
    Bev Unwin lives only about 1 hr away when she came to tell Ken about Deidre's passing and staying around for the funeral
    Carla has moved back into her flat which is full of new furniture even though she has been gone for 2 weeks - who let them in? and why is the scaffolding still outside the building if her apartment is ready to move into
    where are Bethany and Sara living - I thought David moved them out and they were staying with Audrey, who hasn't been spotted in ages
    maybe she too ran away somewhere
    where is Todd living since Eileen kicked him out and how come Michael suddenly has his pyjamas that Gail bought at Eileen's
    the questions just go on and on - the writers seem to skip over all these details which just drive the viewers crazy - it's as if we are just supposed to forget about such mundane details

  24. I always assumed there was a free, 24 hour daycare one street over. You know, just like in real life. That's where I pop my kids every day when I want to have a few drinks in the pub while it's still daylight out and my boss doesn't seem to care that I'm not at work.

    My big ones are where they park the cars and how they fit so many people in a house.

  25. Biggest question is why do people keep watching this show? Don't you deserve better?

  26. Platts garage was once converted as David's bedroom once. Suppose that means Sarah and Bethany will move into that house.

  27. Good questions. Also, how do they put so many people in the homes that are 2 up and 2 down? And how do they afford to keep going on holiday when they do not work half the time, and do not have high paying jobs. The Platts are off on holiday yet again! Crazy.

  28. I would like to add whatever happened to the baliffs that showed up at Cathy's house?
    I also wondered why hasn't Sarah and Bethany ever visit the grave of Billy their son and brother.It seems that once you leave or die you are forgotten forever.

  29. I've just thought of another one. What makes Corrie characters completely ignore the experts who would wrap up their dramatic stories in an instant? (That's the answer, of course, but it makes terribly tedious viewing.) Why doesn't David get a decent solicitor to expose Callum as a drug dealer using private detectives or other means?; why doesn't Sarah call Callum's bluff regarding his photo of Bethany or go to the police herself?; why didn't Anna get the social/health services involved with Faye's pregnancy?

  30. These comments have entertained me all day, hilarious. However, it has highlighted what utter drivel the script writers come out with, and anon at 17.40 had a very good point in asking why we put up with this stuff!

  31. Wasn't Gail working at the gym? I seem to remember she and Katy fighting over who would get the receptionists' job. Who's doing that job now?

  32. Gail has always been the village idiot, just more so now.I always wondered why David has not exposed Callum as the drug dealing waste -of -space that he is, especially now that Kylie is trying so hard to be clean.

  33. J from Atlanta
    after reading all the postings we, the viewers, obviously have more questions than answers - any comments from TPTB??? - don't they have employees that strictly work on social media??? maybe they should be working on explaining all these discrepancies. Keep us happy and keep us watching.

  34. What has happened to the mysterious Tardis Flat upstairs in the Rovers, so heavily featured during the Becky era. Has it dematerialised again?
    Of course, there have always been mysteries on the street - like how the staircase at No.4 mysteriously migrated to the other side of the property during Fred & Ashley's tenure?

  35. Flaming Nora.....I think it would be and *excellent* idea if you were to write Mr. Blackburn and ask him to answer some of our burning questions from time to time. I would assume that 'someone' from his team reads this blog? Just an idea......

  36. Why hasn't gay Christian Sophie not bonded with gay, Christian Billy? Have they even been in a scene together?

    And where is said pastor Billy? Please don't let him turn into the new Dr Carter. Surely he could share scenes at the Grimshaw household, given that he is Sean's beau.

  37. also - why don't рeoрle use the outside lavs??? At least go in that direction with a bog roll ;)

  38. and newsрaрer for good reading ;) (weatherfield gazette)

  39. Why does Michelle have nothing to do with her nephew when she was so close to her brother and the kid only lives a few doors away?
    How does Izzy get in and out of Anna's upstairs flat?
    Why was Norris so against Jenny Bradley, and know everything about her and Alan, when he'd never even met her before?
    If Clara has lost all her money, what about her share of the Rovers?
    Why does anyone believe for a second that there's any chance of Callum winning custody of Max?
    Who are Andy's actual parents and why doesn't he bother with them?
    Why does Tyrone let shrewish Fizz talk to him as she does?
    Why is Mark Casey now calling himself Greig Hodge?
    Why has no one noticed that Gail has lost 100 points off her IQ?
    Why did Ken's other children not even contact him when Deirdre died?
    Why wasn't Adam at the funeral?
    Why do we still watch this slapdash stuff?

  40. Where are Dev's dozens of additional offspring and why are they never referred to? Many will be young adults now & would surely have come round to demand an explanation and restitution for his appalling treatment of his hapless harem. Mary would never set foot in his house again if she knew the truth.

  41. Where are Hope and Rubeh? Why would anyone fight that hard for Max? Where are Kirk and Craig? Where is Mary living? Where's Izzy? (not that anyone cares)

  42. why do рeoрle go out for an all-night bender (drinking session) and then return home in broad daylight (about 5рm) and then say goodnight?

  43. why is bethany older looking than her mum?
